Of the Comns4nelepstentf, and in Gods,at publique Convocations and affembltes,Levit. z3, 3. there to Pray, AEls 16,13. To have the Word read and Preached, A51-s I5,z5. to realon about matters of Religion, Aè7ç 17,2. To fing unto the Lord and thanke him, Pfa1.9z, a. To meditate and triumph in Gods workes,ver f.4, To talke of Gods faithfulneffe, and thew at forth morning and night, verf. z. It is not an houre or two at Church, and fo an end ; but all the whole day ; for at is not a part of a day, but a whole Day, Math i r . If J will not hearken to hallow this day J {hall burne in Hell -fire, for ever, lord 7,z7. Hee is an adverfary to God, that mockes at a firi& keeping of a Sabboth, Lam.t,y. For God hath bleffed it, Gen.z,3. and it is a Signe between a man and his God, Ezec.zo,I z. Q. 73. What fay you more of the Sabboth? .4. J muff not onely keepe it, but keepe it verily, Exod.3r, 13. and abffaine from all weekly workes, not onely reff but reff holily, verf r 5. Fathers muff not fifth-et., much lei e caufe their Children, or Maffers their Servants, or Inne- keepers their Gheffs, to breake thi day, Exod.zo.1o. none may buy or fell vi&uals or wares on this day, .Nehem.13.16, r7. nor carry burthens, /en a7,zz. Nor goo journies, Exod,16, 29. nor dreffe meat beyond neceffity, or godly convenience, to the hinderance of themlelves, or Daughters. or Maids, from fanc'ti- fying this day, xerfe z3. Hither are referred holy Feaffs or thankelbivings. Neb. 8. 9. 1o. As the deliverance from the Gunpowder Treafon, Htier 9, zr. Fafls for humiliations, 2Chron.2o,3. which muff bee San &ified too, Joel 1,54. as being kinds of Sabboths, tevit. 6, 31. And therefore the Convocations of them muff be holy, Cevit.23,24, Q. 74, May no works but oney of Gods immediate Worfhip bee done on the Sabboth? A. Yea, firff workes of Mercy to a Beaff in danger or need, Math.t2,1r. or to Man inficknefe ,or other mifery,verfe,to. whether in foule or body. Luk, to, r r, Secondly, works of neceffity, as taking of food Marko z.z; Thirdly, works of decency, as making of beds, and the like; for the Sabboth D 2 was