Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Conaowidennents. 129 putteth the keeping of the Sabboth for the whole obedience of the covenant,. ver.6. which he would not do if it were cere- moniall; for obedience is better then facrifice or ceremony t Sam. i 5,22. Q. 76. Now becaufe fame ohjelf faying, the Sabboth is net engraven in mens hearts, neither is there any mention either before the Pleader after that the fathers did keep et, and fa forth, therefore tell me what arguments have you to prove it moral'? A. Firfi,if God had meant to put on Ceremony, among the Lawes that were morali, he would rather have put Sacri- fice, for that is more adequat to all theceremoniali law, Hof.6, 6. being a type of repentance Pfal.5o,17, Thankfgivings, Pfal.to7,aa. Prayer, ¶rov.z1,27. Jufiice and Judgement, ver,3 all religion, Pray. t 5,8. a full type of Chrtfl, Hed.9, 14. Secondly, the fcripture film eth that nor Chri{i A1ath.5,i7, nor the law of faith doth difánull any thing of the law, mean- ing dire6tly the Decaloguc, `am. 3, 3 r, Thirdly, the Sabboth was intimated in Caine and Abell publick Irving ofGod, Gen. 4,3,4. and in the publick calling on Gods name in the dayes ofEnofh, ver.26,and in Noahs waiting the fall ofthe waters by Sevens, Gen 8,10, r z. who no qúeflion as he condemned the world by building the Ark on the weeke dayes, Heb, t t 7. Soallo by preaching on the Sabboth; for lie was a Preacher, z Pet 2,5. and in Abraham too, who was a Prophet, Gen. 2o, 7. and had a great people to preach to, Gen. tq,t4; Fourthly, the Sabboth is ingraven upon mans heart, of which the in- graving upon Tables was a token, Exod.34,s8 and to thew the everlafiingnefre of it, it was written which none of the Ceremonies were in (lone Deut. i., I 5. Fifthly, when God: fpeaking of the covenant of grace, he faith, he will write it againe in the minds of his redeemed, Heb.to,16. even upon the flefhly tables of their hearts, alluding to the material! wri- ting, a Corin.3,3. Sixtly, the very heathens had their Sephta- mins,their eights, and the ninths, (üll hovering about the holy feventh of the Decalogue , the whole law being obf urely written in their hearts, 'Romans a, t 5. D 3 0.77. The