p Of the Cornrnandements, Q. 77. The Sabbotb was the Taff day of the weeke, how commeth it MOW to be changed into the jirff day of the weeke ? A. This day the Lord bath made, Pfal.r r 8, a.;. For on this day Cbrift role from the dead, and relied from the worke of Redemption,ri?ath.z8,r. Having created new heavens anda new earth,1fa.65,r7. which we are to keepe by vertue of the fourth Commandement frill ; for Chriti telleth us, bee is Lord of it, Math, r i ,8. which is called lometimes from priority of order and dignity, the firft day of the weeke,Áét.c,zo,7. Some- times from the Author that did inflitute it, the Lords day,Revel. 1,1o. as we fee the Lords Supper is fo called,aCor.t 1,20, And though the Sabboth from the creation were from Even to even, Levit.z 3,32. Daycs being fo reckoned,Gen.i, 3 t. Yet this Sab- both is to be reckoned from Chrifls refurrehion ; and therefore is from Morning to morning, Mark,16,2. And albeit Mary Magdalen carne while it was darkifh, and Chriti was rifen be- fore that, and fo might fcens to have rifen over night, lohn zo,r. yet that could not be, the women and `Peter, and Jahn would never have deferred their going to the Sepulcher, till morning then as they did,verfe z. Now howihever this day be circum- flantially changed,and Ceremonies removed.; yet the day hands Bill morall,All.r r 6,t ;. The conimatidement of not Killing, had a ceremony annext unto it, as the eating of Fleih with the bloud, Gen.9.4,5 which now is changed, Co /.z,zz, and yet the Commandement ofnot killing hands Rill Roxn.r ;.9. 9. 78, What art thou commanded in the lift Commande- ment? A. To honour my Father and Mother, Exod. zo, r z. to feare my mother and father, Levit.¡9,3. to life reverent fpeeches to them, i Kink 2.,2o. to obey them, Proles 6,zo. in godly choice of Mariage as /fast did,Gen.24.4,67. and of vocation, as Sa- muel did,t Sam.z,z8.and z, t I. and of futable Apparell, verfe I ç. yea in all things, Co/.3,2o. fo it be in the Lord, Ephef 6,1. To receive all godly inflrudlion from them, Prov. r,8. to fubmit to their correction, Proa+.z ;,t g. to requite my Parents love, t, Tim. 5,4. to relieve them if they be in want,Gen.47,s I to cover