Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Commandments. cover their Infirmities in a humble wife,Gen.9,13 To intreat Chrff for them,IWark,1.29,30 31 in nothing to be unnaturall toward them, z Tim.3. z,3, J muff honour my Parents,not on- ly by generation, Prov.23,zz. but alto by affinity, Rnth 3, r,5. by adoption, tiler z. 7,zo. By rule and government, as Kings and Magifirates Ifa. 22,25. by bounty, as benefádfors, Job 19, so. alto through age as old men, s Tim.5.1,2, or through Spi_ rltuall profeffion, as Minifters and Preachers, r Cor.4,r 5. for they are my fpirituall Fathers, 7it,1,4, and thefe J muff have in a double honour, z Trm, 5,17, g.. 79. But what muff my Parents doe for me ? .d. They muff pray to God for me, z Saw. r, r and de- vote me unto God before J am borne,verfe i z. bleflè God for me w hen Jam borne,Lake, 1,68, and provide all things necef- fary for me to this life, and therefore much more for Heaven, t 7 im.5,8. To teach me diligently the wayes, of the-Lord, Deut,6,7, that J may be learned in the Scriptures from a child, 27im, 3, r 5. and not provoked to wrath, but brought up in the nurture ofthe Lord, t phef.6,4, To offer continually the facri- fice of Prayer for me, though J be a farre off, Job t,5. to fet up the fervice ofGod in their houlè, that J may daily partake of it, f ofh. z4, 5 5. For curfèd are fach families that have not Prayers, and invocations upon God in them, ter, ro,z 5.. to hold me to the obferving of Gods flatutes, as for example the Sabboth, Exod.20,1o. Q. So. What is the meaning of the fixt Csmraandement; Thom "halt doe no Murder? A. Thou (halt not kill thy felfe,Xts 16.27,28. neither by diffempering thy fel.e, as a drunkard doth, z Sam,25,36, nor by negte5ting the body, Col.:,z3 nor by denying comforts to- the body, z Yin/.5,2,;. nor by cob much griefe, Prov, t7, 22. Thou (halt not kill another, whether he be a good man, Prov. r,tt.ora bad man. Gen 4,15, neither bydevtces,2Sam.tr.z5 nor by forgery,/ Kings 2t, z 3. nor by challenging duelss2 King r4,8, This_ ®mmandrment doth not only forbid murder in outward aó }, ven,9,6. but alió all reproachfitll words and an- ger, 31