Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

32 gee, Math.5, 2 Z. and all angry lookes, Gen,4,6. and all hatred, i Ioh,3 15. and all tale - bearing, Lev.' 9,16. J mull blow a- way a talc- bearer, as the North -wind blowes away raine, Prov. 2 5 ,2 3. J mutt be catchall to maintaine the life and health, and to recover my neighbour from fickneffe, not onely his daugh- ter, Math15,z z. not onely his lbnnc, Joh.4,47 not onely hisfervant,Math.8,ç,6. but al[òa oranger, Lull;e0,34 Q. 81. Is it not lawful! to (ill in any wife ? A. Yes, Dent.i ;,9. for the Magioratemay and mutt ufe the !word againo them that dererve it, Roma 3 4. but then it muff be done to humility, lexabel in her feared doing of juß ice, would have a fao when the put Naboth to death, 1 King 21, 12. and with tenderneffe of the malefaaours foule that J may give glory to God, jofh 7,19. A Captaine and his fouldiers may kill the enemy in a juft battell, 1, Sam.; 5,3. nay he is an offender if he will not, verf x8,19. but tó as there be peace firfi offered, if they be fit to have it Deut,20,1 o, and alo a private man in cafe of neceflity, upon his owne defence or bro- thers, exad,2,1 a. Q. 82, What elfe doth this Eornm,sndement urge ? A. Not to be Toone angry, Tit,1,7. unleffe it be without fin. Ephef 4,26. and againti fin,Mark.3.5. not to be hafty, ?rov.14,26. to be long fuffering, t Cana 3,4. to overcome evil! with goodnes, Team. r 2,21, ready to forgive Eph.4, 3 2 not to be fufpicious, t Cor.13.5. but apt t0 believe gocd of ones neighbour, verfe, 7, to be curteous, i Pet.3.8. without envie, Jans.3,14. without emulation and any evül, Math. 20,12. or envious difdaine, Pror.14,3o. or contempt, Prev, 1 S, 3. or uncompaflionatencfe, 1 Ioh.3,17. not to be a flatter. Mg friend, Proverb.19.4. nor treacherous, Luk;22.4, nor to beare a ferret grudge. Pror.a6,26. ,,,Q; 83. What more doth it Command ? 4. To rejoyce with them that rejoyce, and weepe with them that weepe, Rows, 2, s 5. To refio the beginnings of Rife Prov.17,14. as loud ípeaking, Epher4,31. or provoking interjeaions, as Pifh, tufh, Raka, Math, 5, z; To depart from ones Of the Commandements,