Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the C'amrrmandemenls. j 33 ones owne right to rcdeeme love and peace, Gen.13,8,9,1o. To be hol itab!e, for thereby fume have entertained Angels j unawares, 1-14.1 3,2. to be without offence, Rom. 24,21: j in a morfell of meat, verf..i 5. For if wee offend the Confeience ofour weake brethren wee finne againtt Chrilt, i Cor.B,ra. Q..84. What rs the meowing of the fsaveutk Cotnavaadomext, 7 hen 'halt xot comma ,Adultery ? A: Thou (halt not commit Sodomy, -Rom.' ,a7. nor Bettia- bey,Lev.t8,a3. nor Incefi,verf.6, nor Whoredom, Levit. 2o,1o. not Fornication, Heb.r 2,56. nor Poligamy, Ma1.a, 15. nor Rape, Dext..za,z5. nor admit of unlawful! Divorces, Matk.t9,9. for le(lè then Adultery, Matb.5,2a. yet in cafe the wife bath committed Adultery, the bond is not broken if the Husband bee pleafed to continue it, and renew it, 2 Saar. 3,14. nor unreafonable abfenting, but there may be abfenting upon neceficy, t Sam.x 5, i 8. As a Souldier in time of warre, z Sam.1 r , r t , or when a lawful! trade doth inforcc, as a Sea - faring man; for the men were named only to have fayled abroad, t R»rg.9,27. Husband and wife muff not defraud one another, unleflè it bee witli content for a time, for fatting and Prayer, s [.or.7,4. or for Lome fpeciall worke of God, Exo4. 18, a. they mutt not deny one another due benevolence, 1 Cor.7,3. 81. )Vhat fay you ofAfarriage ? A. Marriage is honourable among all men, Minifters and _ all, Belo. 13,4. Simply confidered, better then cclebatc or tingle life, becaufe infituted before the fall of Man, Gex.z,18. as (-Mee the fall it is a manes to avoid Fornication , 1 Cor.7,1. and temptations, verf 5. and burning, verf.9. yet to this or. that roan not to bec married, maybe verfe 1, and a fpeciall gift, ,verfe7. by reafon of circumftance and prefcnt.dittreffes,- verfe 26. For thereby one is more vacant- for the fervice of God verfe 32. But Mariage in it felfe hach neither Commandement for it, nor againft it, verfe 15. When a Son and Daughter are to marry, their Fathers have power to ttrilte up the mariage, Dem -1,3. between lircb and fuck, jer.29,26. namely, with E the