34 1 Of the Commandements. the parties' confent, for that it is effentiall to Mariage,Gen.34, g. However the Father have a negative voyce, Gen.a8,t. And though they have given their consent, bee bath power to breake it, Exod.zz, l7. Nay, their vow cannot iland without his con - fent, either a xpreife or implicite, Numb. 30,5 . 0.86. Whatfay you of Centrafis, or Efpoufals before eon - fummate Mariage? ? A. They are not ellentially required to Mariage for it may I be all at once, Gen.2,22. yet it is not amtffe to goe by degrees i in Mariage, being a weighty thing, a Covenant of God, Prev. 1 2,17. but when a couple are Contra6led onely, they are Man and Wife, Deut.22,2 5,21.. lofepb and Mary, efpoufed only, 1 Math. t .r8. yet they were man and Wife, verfe.2o, as appeares I allo by the fpirituall Elpoufals tinto Chrill, which are faithful!, 'Hof.2 20. andflands for ever, verfe,r9, namely, the Elpoufàls being absolute Luke 2.5. yet if they be conditionally they may bce broken when Mariage cannot, for Mariage no Creature can dilinull, .Mnrke,ro.9. to wit, Fir'f, if there were a'juli condition put, which is not fulfilled. Secondly, if a time were I fa,. and the one party failes, then the other is free. Thirdly, if there appeares any thing after the Efpoufals, which if it had been knowne before bad hindered them ; and now. one party reafonably changeth his mind. Fourthly, if both agree to loofen the Promile made but conelitionally ; promifes of Mariage becoines often fcandalous, t Sam, r8,t 7. and therefore better 1 flay till through agreement ; for Mariage is the abfolute taking of one to be a Wife, Gen. a 5,t. Mariage though it be more fo lemnly celebrated by the Minitier, yet it may be alfò by the civill M agili rate, Ruth 4,1. openly before witneffes, verfe 9. and 'with invocation and benedidlion , verfe ¡i, t2.. 16 then Mariage is confummate, verf.r 3. Q.87. What is the duty of Man and Wife ? A. Firfi,Conjugall love, as toward their orvne bodies and foules, Epbef..S,a$. Secondly, fpeciall honour, and dwelling together according to knowledge, and communion in the wor- fbip of God, i Pct.3,7. Thirdly, communication of their boda yn ,d