Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Commandements. and 16 polfeflìng the veflèll in San&ification , z Theft. 4, 4. Fourthly, communication of outward goods, elpecially for the ufe of them, for they are one flefh, Ephef.5, 3 z. onely fo as the Husband be the bead, a Corr r ,3. And therefore, Full., bee is to cherifh his Wife, and to provide for her nece(farres, Ephef.5, ag. Secondly; to goe before her in knowledge, yet lo, as he is to hearken to her godly counfell, Judg.z 3,2 3.. Thirdly, to rule well over his houfe, I Tim.3, 4. and as for the Wife ; Firft, thee mutt fubmit and acknowledge her felfe fubje& to her Huf- band in the Lord, tphef.5,22. Secondly, reverence him, verfe 33. Thirdly, aske queftions of him, wherein the is ignorant about points of Faith ; and therefore he is bound to be able to tell her, t Cor x4,35. the may in fomecafes givefomeuirmg away, without the exprefle content of her husband, fò it bee for the good of the family, z Sam.25,18..As an aimes to the Poore, Prop.; 1,20. efpccially, if fhe get it over and above by her induuftry, verfe t 3. and doe not fin againft the truft o her Husband, verf Is. for his good and not for his evill, werfe 12. 0.88. what muff they doe that are to 44)rry ? and what fayyou more of the feventh Commandement ?` Y;'`; A. They mull feeke God extraordinarily, by Prayer and meditation as Ifaac did, Cien.14 6;. and their' parents mutt folemnely bleffe their or they that give them in Mariage, they Mutt folemnly bleffe them, and befeech the Lords bleffing up- on theta; veí^fe 6o. The man mutt be carefull that hee Marry a godly daughter of Gods people, Judg. z 4, 3. and tö is the Maid that Thee marry in the Lord z Cor. 39. and when they doe marry, to Marry as if they marryed not, verfe 29. and to beware of any diforders at he Marriagefeaft, asifChrdt Jefas were bodily there. lobo 2,2. this feventh Commandement for- bids wanton company, Ephef: 5,7: all drunkenneffe and exceffe, i Per.4,3. Idlenetfe, Ezee.r6,4g. ficepinellè; and loofène(iè of eyes, 2 Sam.Y7,2. and an impudent forehead, Jer.3,3. all kinds of light talking, t 5,I 7. or gel ure, /fa.3,z6,r7. wanton Dances, Stage-player, Pi&ures, hittories, tales, or any E 2 filthy 35