Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Co,,smandements, filthy converfation, which may grieve a righteous Lot, 2 Pet.s, 7. and luftfull attire, Prov.9,i o. any ftrange falhions, or ap pareil, Zeph.r,8. Magitirates mutt not tolerate, or lightly, or ridiculoufly pundit Whoredome, ót Fornication ; for that is as bad as tolerating, Dare. 23,x j, nor forbid the remedy, as Mariage, t Ties.4,3. R. 89. What w the eight Commandement ? A. Thou (halt not Steal,that is,firft,Thou (halt not defraud, Mark;r0,19. whether it bee by robbery, L4ro, ;o. orBurg- lary, Exed.zz,s. or any other theft, t Cor.6,ro. whether by concealing, z Ksv.21,7. or by percakong thereof, Prov. 29,24. or by being a confederate, Prov.r,r4. Secondly, thou (hair not ufe cunning guile, z Tbef.4,6. neither by vaine getting, Provo 3.t 1. nor unright getting , ter. 17.12 . nor covetous getting,Hab.2,9. nor by unjult detaining, Jans.5,4. Thirdly, thou (halt not be an Ufurer, whether by extortion, E.zse.Zx,r a. or any other finne againfi the fence of true lending, Ewa 8,8. Hee that lives in this finne wittingly, is under an impolibility to be faved yet, P fal.t for he is an unjufi man, Prov.a8,8. whether he bea lending Ufurer, Vent.2;,19. or a Broker for ufurers, 3er.t g, to. or a wife inventer of new ufury ; for is is turfed to be with to doe Evill, Jer.4,az. Fourthly, thou (halt not be niggardly, Ecelef6,a. nor carking and caring is any thing, Phtt.4,6. nor refolving to bee rich, z Tins.6, 9. nor batty (to be rich, Prov. z8, so. nor infatiable in the increafe of riches, ecet.4,8. Fiftly, thou fhalc not be a wafter, Nova $,9. nor improvident, for thy Pelf, or fervants, or wife, or children, or any others that are thine, e Tiey.S,8, R.. go. What Both this Cotoerandemeat forbid more? A. Hecdleffe fucrtiílhip, Prov. t 1, z 5. falle weights and mea- fures,_verf.r. Ingrolíings and hoardings of Corne, or the like, vs rf z9._ asking a higher price for the wares then the feller may afford, for that is lying, Prov.zt,6. though it be to bring the buyer to a due worth;- for that is to do evill that good may come of it, Roem.3,8. difprayfing of the ware, as buyers ufe to do, that theymay get them under value, Prov.2o,14. buying things