Of the Comrmaxdmeut.r. things that are not to be 1òld, as Graces, pardons, prefentations to benefit, .4a-.8, 8. making of *are that are unlawful! tò be ufed, as Dice, and Shrines for Idolatry, 4441-.I 9,4. Sacri- ledge, Roxt.a,aa, of things given to good Wes, either by ones lelte, for which Amnia$ and Saphira dicd fuddenly, Aár 5,S so. or by others, Pray.zo,r y, of tenths, or any Church dutyes, Mat.3i8. or Church livings, whether it be by mangling or alienating, or devouring of them , 21Cehess+.13.7.8. here are condemned. Firff, Bankrupt Gentlemen, that will not labour in their calling, Leek.16.3. Secondly; Idle Gentlemen, that will not work at all; a Thel: ;,1 r. Thirdly, idle beggers that would, have to ear, and "yet are lazie to work for it, ver. o. Fourtbly,all, be they never fo great, or Noble, or rich, that ufe no vocation, Gen.3, r y. Fifthly, all Juglers, Fullers, Game - hers, Players, keepers of game-honks, Sight - {hewers, and all that work not with their hands the thing that is good,Ephef. 4.28. r Q. 91: watt more does thin Comnrandement Conma$d A. Firlt, To make reflitution, whenföever we have wron- ged our neighbour, E.uk i 3,15. yea rather more thee idle to the party damnified, Levit.6, y. or if he be dead, to thole nest of kinne, or for want of them Copious ufes, Nwm,5,7.8. with amends for the wrong, Lar e.19,8 and if we be not able, yet lo much as we can, exed.az,3. though it be with the parting with our garment, if it be defired, Trov.a7,13. if ever we meaneto be forgiven our fins, Levrr.6.7. nay our repentance is all rotten, whatfoever it be except we right our wronged neighbour , for God is no relpe&er of perlons, Col. 3, a5 Secondly, to be content,with whatfoever of +ate we are in, Phil. 4t r. whether rich or poore, verte ra. even with hare food, and rayment, 1 Tim.6.8. yea in want and necefiïties, 2 Crr. t a. Io. to be moderate in the caring for maintenance. Prov.3o.8. Thirdly, to ufe comfortably the good gifts of God, Eeel. s.ro. fo that nothing be loft for want of honeff laving, John 6,ra calling our care upon God, ! Pet.5,7. to be lober in the ufing of; or caring for any thing, er.P.8, not giving too much to the -- 3 belly, I 37 i