Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Commandements. belly,Lmk;16.19. or back by chargeable apparell, r T,im.a.y. Fourthly, To give without sparing ro them that are in need, Prov.2z.26. as we have wherewithal!, Eph.4.28. efpecially to the Saints, Roma 2. t 3. Q. 92, What fay you of wens particular Callings, for they come here to be examined? A. Every man andwoman is to have a calling, Gen.2.15. and to doe his ownebuí neffe, t 7heff ¢.ir. though it be with much labour and fweat, Gen. 3.19. wherein he is to labour fix dayes, Exod.2o.9. except it be to go to a Lcdlure, or to any other higher duty, Yoh. ;.2 8. for idleoeffe is a deep fleep, Prov. 19.1 5. Now a man may know whether his tilling be good. Full, if it be the working of that which is good, Ephef.4.28. Secondly, if it be honefl and of good report among the Saints, Phil.4.8. Thirdly, if it be filch a calling. as he may have God.. to teach him in, 1 fa.z8.26. and to give him a gift comfortably and profitably to difcharge, i Pet.4.1o. and their things he muff have for to follow it. Firil, W iidome and skill to under- (land his yfay tla ,it, fray.1,00. Secondly, Diligence, Prov,i0. ,y,; :.14. c } y-Qh e- 14tgptSrIet,úe opportunities, verte 5. Fourth -. ly, Çsl rragevtctel+nderg'te difficulties, Prov4o,4. Fifthly, Not tobe-.;h (}iet;,to =be rich, then godlineffe and agood Confcience , },afford, Prev.28.2o. Sixthly, Minding his own matters, 1 Pet.4.15. Severithly The grace of God to fanelifìe and eflablifh his wbrke, Pfal.9o.i7. a man muff abide in llis call- ing, wherein he is called, i Cor.7.2o. except it be a calling on- ly-for a time, as to be a fervant ; for then he may be free, when God opens a door, ver.2 r. otherw'ifè not to leave it without a fpeciall warrant, Amos,7.t 5. Q. 93, Now becaure the rich are the poores parfebearers and de fi`eal from them if they be not mtrcifull and bountiful to them, what fay yam of alms and bounty ? A. r. Every foul that bath not a farthing to give yet in affe$lion muß, for there is a liberali foul, Prov. i t .13. Second- ly, though a man be a poore labourer. he mutt labour the har- der that he may be able to give, Eph.4,z 8. Thirdly,much snore, if