Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Commandements. if a man have this world goods fornewhat more plentifully, z Joh.3,z 7. Now this giving is not to burthen a man, either in his necefiaries or conveniences to his efface and condition, z Cor.8,i 3. yet in cafe of neceflity of our pobre brother, we munto our power and beyond our power give, verfe, 3, yea in our deep poverty to be liberali, verfe.z. to our decayed brethren, 4l .zo, 3 5. efpecial ly fuch as are neaten us, verfe 34. to all, but moll efpecially of all to the houfhold of faith, Gal. 6,1o. not fo much to them that are wicked, yet charity will not judge eafily evil of any, t Cor. r 3,5. and this our giving mutt be fire , with ayming at the honouring of God, Prov.3,9, Secondly, without letting or left hand know what our right doth , Math.6,3. Thirdly, without framing of the , poore, z Cor.rr,z>_. Fourthly, out of a charitable and a compafìîonate minde, i Cora 3, ;. Fifthly, not grudgingly but chearefully, 2 Cor.9,7. and bountiful', verfe.6. Sixtly, according to the meafiare of Gods profpering of us, r Cord 6,2. where, and how much and what, and when, cannot be defined, but by wif- dome and righteoufiaeffe which teaçheth how to give, Pfal.1 r z, S..Seventhly, we mull confider that he which takes pitty on the poore lends to the Lord, and that which he bath given, will he pay him againe, Proverb. 19.17. O. 94. What is the meaning of the ninth Commandement, Thou fhalt not heare falfe wit neffe, againfl thine neighbour ? .A. That is, thou (halt not -ye, Levit.19, or. for lying is an abomination unto the Lord, Prov. r z,zz. and (halt never efcape, Prov.19,9. but be damned, Revel.21,8, whethcritbe with merry lyes, Hof.7.3, or officious Iyes, though it be to I help ones felfe, Gent z, r ;, neither mayeft thou lye, thinking. ). to glorifie God by it, Rom.3 ,7. or for God, though thy mean- ing be never fo good, lob 13,7. much leffe with pernicious lyes, Prov.6,17. nor by telling the truth with a feigned geRure, or countenance, or pronuncacion , or unfeafonably, as Doeg fpake truth, z Sa1n.z2,9. yet he Eyed byfpeaking it, Pfal,5a,3 a deceitfull tongue (hail not be in thy mouth, Zeph,3,z 3. thou (halt not feare to deny the truth, Matb.a6,7o. nor flip away for telly,