O f the . Commandements. 41 'and Ballads made on them too, verfe.s 2. being mowed and grind at, as they boo in the (hoots, P fal.3 5.16. and winkt at with the eye, verf,9. and laught at, vcrfe, z r. 'Fourthly, Signes and wonders and monffers.of men, lfa.8,18. Fifthly, fooles, Ifa, 3 5, 8, Sixthly, hipocrites, as if drunkards, and whoremaf- ters, and Atheiffs, and prophanelings, were holyer then they, Ifa.65,5. they are counted proud, and felfe- conceited men,' that have naughtier hearts then others, for all their faire (heaves, as Eliab thought of David, i Sawa 7,28. Seventhly, trou= biers, and feditious turbulent fpirits, z King.18,r7, Sedaties every -where fpoken againlf , Alb.28,2 :. pefftlent fellowes, Aß.24,5. Irregular men, enemies to the Law of the land, AEf.25,8. men that care not for Churches,Al.z4,6. Sixthly, precife and fIria men, and the world wonders they will not doe, as other men doe, 1 Aet.4.,4. Singular people and certaine fellowes by themfelves, Zach,3,8. Puritanes whom our Savi.. our prophetically bleffeth, though other doe eurlè them, Math. 3,8. and you are one of the Elea forfooth ; thus folk mock them, for fo was Chriff handled, Luke 23,35. and if they fay they are perfecuted and nick -named for righteoulñeffe fake, as they are, the world anfwers them as the Jewes anfwered Chrifi fora good worke wee Bone thee not, lobs 10,33. Nay, the world thinks they doe well to revile them, like the Jewes ; fay we not well thou art a Samaritan, and haft a Devil!, lohn 8,418. Q. 79. Moat pretences have the Papilfs far their'Equi- vocations and their mentall Refervationi, and how are they anfwercd ? A. Firff, becaufe our Saviour fayes of the dead Damofell, Thee is not dead, Matheiv.9,24, but Chrift fpake plainely, to the underfáanding of the (fanciers by , who though fhe was finally dead,as itappearesby the Ivliniffrels ;v rf.z ;, Second- ly, becaufe he (ayes he told his Difciples all things that he heard of his father, jshn.15,r 5. whereas afterwards, he ton- fefles that he told them not all things, lob. r 6,r 2 but he fpeakes diffindfly in regard of his friendly opennefre, John. i 5,14. F Thirdly,