42 Of aye Comrntndements. Thirdly, becaufe lie fayes he was ignorant of the day of Judge- nient, whereas indeed he was not, but he did not equivocate ; for he confeffes he1pake this in regard of lais man-hood, Mark. 13,32. Fourthly, becaufé he fayes he would not go up unto the feat ., and yet lie did, 3oh.7, r o. bnt the truth is, he did not fay he would not go up unto the feaft, but tharhe would not yet, verfe.8. neverthelcile in tome cafe a mamma), reveale one part, and couceale the other, Jer.38,27. Nay though we pro- bably know, fome will gather falfe inferences, Aîí.í3,6,7. but we mutt never lye to one another, for that is a badge of the old man, Co1.3,9. , abomination unto God, Tray.6,17, and and the biand of Dogs that are without Chrilf, Rev.za, r 5. and the Divell is the father of it, lehn ,.}4, and it is clone contrary to laving grace, which is called truth,loh.r,17. and to God hmlélfe, who is called the God o` truth; P fat.; I.5. tt, 98. Now for the tenth Commandement,before yon fpeake of that ; tell me what es Original! flame? A. it is three -told. Fitt+, it is Adams aéuall difohedience, wlaofe pet fin infe :d the na.ire. and nature infeand, iafecas every perfon. infomuch as. all men thereby are made [inners, Rom. ,i9. For he finning all men finned, merle., t a. all- men weie in Adam i Con! ,, :21. and Adam was not only that man,. but man verfe x i . and all men were then potentially in his loa,>nes ; as Levi was in Abrahams when Melchifedecb did' meet him, Ileb.7, ; o and they all finned in Adam e ,Levi payed tithes, in .4braham. verfe 9.. As they were all rade tip- right i Adam , ic, they 311 fought out many inventions in Adam ; and look what Adam si;d trey all would hava'? ne, if they had been in his roDait' E'ccl.7,,9. being borner¡ m as the young Toad of the olì one, or a 4 ,,.tug ',W -Pre colt of the old one, 14.; r i'a. Can the young V ^.er 'om- plaine that the old one brought it forth a V.ptr a rd not a '3104- ly Oxe, Math :3 :7. or can the fruit of the Male co :npl ine tht it was nota Fióge? il4tth.7. 16. No more can CIE- child complaint of the father that he t,r;' ns him r i`h fin- full ; woe be to him that layes to his father what b f.,,,c-tel t'`iod