Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Originall Awe. 43 thou, lfa.45,10. Like muft needs beget like and after its öwne image, t en,3,5 Q. 99. You fayd, that Original! fsnne is three-fold, and have told h ftb h h h the privation 11 me.r e fr ranc ; w ic is Second? 4. A naked of á originall righteoufneffe which every foule is borne in, Hof 2,3. whereby there is no Spiritual! gr.odneffe in any man by nature, Rom.7. t 8. no power fo much as to think a good thought, z Cor.3.5. no life of God, Fph.4. x$. the mind altogether in dárjeueffe, Epleef.5.8: defperately unable co comprehend any laving light though it Chine on it, .fohn.i,5, theconfcience void of all Purity, 7 it. I,t S. and all true peace, lfa.57.z1, and feeling, 6'ph.4,19. and fence, r Tim. 4.z. the will unable to make choice or to receive the things of gods 1pirit, s Cor.z.54. and never able to help it Celle, except the Lord work it, Fhrl.z.x 3. the whole man dead in fame, E'o1.z.13. the affeelions our of order and vile, R,,m.1,a6. and unnatural!, a 7ím.3, ;,the appetite unbridled from immode- rate chuffing. "er.z,25. and had need of a knife to be, put to the throat, `Prov.z3,2, the fences unfpirituall, lade. t9, and had need of a new covenant to be made with them, " Job.; I, r. being beanie and dull to let in that which is good, Mat.' 3,t 5. the outward members fervant to the carnali heart, Rom.5, i 9 . a privation or right to the Creatures, for Chrift onely rs now the heire of them, Heb.x,z. and thofe that are in Chrifl, i Cor.3,22. otherwife all the the creatures gróane in mans hands, Rom.8,z2. indeed wicked men may have a civili right before men to the creatures ; Nabal ¡heated his (beep, r Sam.z 5,2. and muff feed-upon the creatures ; becaufe they are forbidden to murder themfelves, Exod.zo,i 3. ., ion. Which ú the third branch? A. A pof tive corruption of nature, s Cori 5, 50. whereby the whole man is not onely flefhly but floor it felfe,Job.3,5. it being a compleat body of finne, Rem.7,24. confining of all the members, verfe.23. the minde, an enemy unto-Cod, R,am. 8,7, defperately inclined by. carnalt reafon, to device evil!, F a ,3er.4,2