44 Ì Of Original/ finne, 1er.4,2y, the will fèlf- willed, zPet,z,io. the affe&ions in- vincibly fec upon the things here on earth, Co/.3,z. except Chrill railè them up againe, verfe.i. the memory apt to for- get 1pirituall things, z Pct.t,q._ and to remember carnali, or carnally, Math.27,63. the Couleience erréçóverably evill Heb..to,z. except Chrills eternall Spirit once pùrge ir, Heb.9, 14. and therefore it is the nature of a man to be a child of wrath;'Epb,z,3. which is moll conflant and unalterable, and unpollible to be healed, except, the power of the Almighty change it `attd quicken it altogether with .Chrifl, verfe 5. Thus` is eyery man conceived and born, nay David hirnielée, Pfal,5 i, 5. and though he be baptized, and then prefèntly die ; ycc if he were Ooc Baptized with.Cods Spirit too lohn 3,5. and borne againe from above, he could -not be Paved, verfe.3. i-os. How is Ortginoll jinn called. en Scripture? 4.. Firs+, becaufe this only is hereditary, its called abfolutely fiüne, Rom. 5, s a.. Secondly, becaufe it can never be gotten quite out in this life, it is called the Prone that dwelleth in us,Rom.7. t 7. Thirdly, becaufe of its wonderful- fall hold it bath gotten of our natures, it is called the finny that hangs ib fall on, or that fo easily berets us, Heb. t z,t. Fourthly, becaufe it hath eh - thralledthe wholeman, and every faculty and members, Romans 7,23. Fiftly, becaufe of its antiquity and maturity, and ex- perienced fi.btilty., it is called, the old man, 7Z omans. 6, 6. Sixtly, becaufe it is ever hatching and conceiving of evill, and though a man have. never fo much grace, yet ir is ever !idl- ing againli ìt, it is called lull, lam.1,14. which will not ter the godliefl man under heaven doe that good that he would, Gal.5,s7. Seventlily, becaufe it is directly oppoftc to the fpirit, and all the graces of the Spirit ; it is called the flefh, Eph.a,3. and the uncircumci(ion of the Beth, Col,a,13. and becaufe a carnali .man. loves it as deare as he does his heart blocd, -it is called blood too, z Cor. t 5,50, &c. Q.. toa. The Papitls fay, that it is not properly a fin, but, after a manner ; the Pelagiansfay, there's no fueh fan, by pro- pagation, but finely by imltatiox ; and the Anabaptifts fay, that new-