j Of Originall frine, I now under Chri fF there's none borne no fin-;' How do yea prove then that there is tech afenfull corruption of nature pro - perly fo called? A. FirI, David Hewes plainly, that fin was propagated to him, Pfal,r 5,5. Secondly, Eliphaz fhewes that fin is now as natural( to'a man as water to a fifa,jo6 15,16. Thirdly, fob ' fhewes it is Inch a wofùll corruption that no creature can ever purge it out, job 14;?. Fourthly, Motes fhewes that there is .filch an infinite deprivation in mans nature, that all that flows from it, though it teem never ,fo holy, and godly, and religious yet_ it cs onely evil( and continually evill, Gca,6 5, Fifthly, Paul fhewes that mans nature is fö truly corrupted, that there is nothing in it, but it is theobjeEt of Gods wrath, Eph,a,3, Lamy it is fuch a doleful( contagion, that the dearth of Gods Saints, whenfoever they look on it, they are faine to cry out ! O wretched man that Jam,Rom,y,24, And this Original! fin remaines (tall after Baptifine ; the Saints at R.one were bapti- fed, Rom,6,3. and yet it was in them, only they were to look to it, that it might not reigne in them, ver/e 1 a. and if a Ibul be under grace, he is not freed from the excellency of it, and the continual( aifaults of it, but only from the domtninion' of it, verf 14.. and becaufe its a fòuntaìise ever running of ella, we mull every day fue out a new pardon, Matb.6,1 1. and ever got to the frefh fountaine to be wafhed anew, Zach. 1 3,r. Q, 103. K'hat Both this Dollsine or Original! fnne teach Firfl, to begin our humiliation here, thou wert a cram grefior from the wombe, Ifa,48,3, Secondly, not to trait any of our faculties, David would not truf his mouth, without a bridle, Pfäl.39,1, he would have no wicked thing'in his houle or before his eyes, PfaL.1or,7, Lofeph would not trial him - felf with hearing of, or being with his M!f:ceffe, Gen.39,ro, Thirdly, to keepour heart with all diligence, Prov,4,23, and to bied the Law of God about our heart, Prov.6,z1. nay, Fourthly, not to truf any grace that we have received already, not to count our fèlves to have apprehended enough, but fill to F prefre 45