46 i Of Ori,inah finne, prefïe forwards, Phil. 3,1 í. Fíftly, íd be full laying afide more and more of this weight, Neb.' 20. and to be dill warring againft it, for it full warres again(t us, r Pet.2,1 t. For firft, this fin is an enemy ever pretènt with us, nay, even when we are doing the heft good, Rem,7,ar. Secondly, becaufe our heart is worfe by reafon of this Gnne then we can believe be- forewe find it by experience. ifazael could not believe what a vile ,heart he had a KCing.8, r3. no nor Peter neither, Mat. 26,33. Thirdly, becaufe its aeradnellein the heart, there is no nutting of a mad -man, Ecclef ,. 3. Suppole we (land for the prefent and another fall, as we mull ceftote him, fo we mutt confider our !'elves, it may be our cafe be we never fo fpirituaII,GA/.6,r Q. 104. What doth the Tall Commaandement command and forbid? .fl. It commands the inward parts, P/4/.5 1,6. to be in- corrupt in the hid man of the heart, 1 Pet. z,4, it forbids all in- ward luff, Ren.7,7. and all firfl motions óf finne, verfe 5, even before the confent and allowance of the evil!. verfe 15. and all luflings after evil!, 1 Cor. ro,6. or after the good crea- tures of God in a carnali manner, 1Vum:r i,4. and all the f quint -eyed look:ngs of the heart,! lehn. 2.1. for the very tufts are; Fiat, ungodly, Jude IS. Secondly, they are foolh'h and hurtfull, and they may drowne men in perdition, a Tira,6,ç. Thirdly, they-,a4 deceiveable, Eph,4.24.,Fourthly, worldly, Tit .a,r2. Fiftly, they are of the Devils , Joh.S,44. Sixtly, they are the v ervchoakers,òf grace, Mark:4,19. Scventhly, they are the fir(!, wheeler of a finfull converfation, Eph.a,3, the firft temptings and ticings of finne, jam. ,14. and the fill itchings of finne, 2 Tim.4,3, and the fir(( that makes the foul a fervant to finne, Tít.3,3, and they flow immediately from Originali concupifence, r Theff,4,5. and if we do not crucifie them, it is a finne weare not (Thrifts, Ga1,5,2 4. and if we do not efcape them better then the world does, we cannot be par- takers of the Divine nature, 2 Pet.1,4,