Of Originad! inne. 47 Of Thoughts. Q. 105. New becaufe the 7 houghts are the beginnings of atlions,and all finites begin there, for whereas St. John food, Think! not to fay within your felves, as Math:w hash it, Math. 3,9. Saint Luke bath st thus. lt,gin not to fay withinyourfelves, Luke ;,8. Therefore what fay you of the Thoughts? A. Sinne when it is but begun in the thoughts is already a tune, Prov.ig,9. as ioone as ever thoughts peeps up in the heart,Deut.i9. nay it is not pnely afmne, but it isabonri- nation, Prov 15,26. and if it-lodge in the heart it hindreth Salvation, 3er. ;, i.}. and a man never repents, till he havé for - faken his thoughts, as well as his outward ill courfes, Ifa..55, 7, never can i.e be forgiven, except repentance root them out, AEE3,22. and therefore we moil labour tei prevent their very rifings in our hearts, Luke. 24, 38. not onely thoughts that proceed otit of our owne hart, Math.t 5,r9. but alto thole that the Devil! puts in our harts, le`-n.t 3,1. efpccially if they never fo lirtl, close w,th our bear:, and prove to be our thoughts, though but for a moment, Line 9.47. which they will doe for ceresine, either little or much ; for our heart is like tinder land if aril./ loaike doe fall in it wall kindle Pfalnn.39,3, yea even blafp..c aous thoughts though the heart feeme to bate them, iMóirke.7,21, and indeed doe, beat them down, `Pfef 71,15, ÿ rt the heart will thinke them ha(iily though in a -mo- ment by reafon of grace either proper or common does un- think them agtine, Pfal.1.6 t r. Q rod. But !how : +f a foul be haunted with evill thoughts, and the more it ffrivetli againfi them, the more r,'t is haunted, hew then? A. F rff, lay thy hand upon thy montha and be humbled for the wretchedác(ieoft?.ythoughts Prov.3o,32. Secondly, run to atilt lefts for his grace and comfort again({ them, s fal. _,4,r 9. I badly, reafon thief thoughts out of thy heart, flyingwlav 111:-. :,id J thinke them, job.;r,r. Fourthly, if they haunt thee. dill go to rhv calling, and do not flatlet poring on them ; thot.b' is mod haunt a foul that is idle and at- eafe lob. 5 z,5. R.1