Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

O, f O ríginal1 Ate. Here, and new, and he, and thW, and that cafe ; !t fhould feet's: then where the Werd leaves, there coup fell may Lee en? B. Commandements are of two forts. Firít, Tome are dire= ¿led to all the people in the world, Pfal,49.e. as the morall Law,G41.3. so. Secondly, fome are direeted to Tome particular men, either , cxpreffcly, Math.r 9, at. or implicitely and medi- ately, if filch and fuch circumftances be, as to this or that man not to Marry, r Cer.7,a6. though there be no immediate Commandement for a thing to bind me or thee, verfe 6. yet when here, and now, and thus, and in filch a cafe, and other loch circurnflances come between, it may prove a morali Com- mandement, verfe 9. and if J would know, whether it be Gods will that J fhould do this or that thing, yea, or no, Zach.y,;. J may know it by a fyllogifine, Math.t 2,3. the Propofition in generali being to be fought for in Scripture ; looke what is written, Luke o, 26. The Afiumption is be fought for out of circumftances, and out of this or that mans particular cafe, Math.19,to. and fo theconcluGon, in reípc, of chis or char man, at filch a time, or in fuch a place, or in fuch a cafe, comes to bind . in confcience ; like as if it were an expreile morali Precept, verfe la. As for example, there are Scripture rules, every one muff labour to give no offence, t Cor.t o, 3 a. every one mull take away that is moil for Gods glory, verfe 31. and for the promoting of the Gofpel, rather then there own profit, verfe 33. Now Paul, all circumllances tieing confrdered, did airtime thus; if J Preach the Gospel without byre, J (hall cut off offences, z Cora 1,r 2. J (hail promote the Gofpel the bet- ter, t Cor.ç,z;. and J (hall more edifie the Church, verfe 19. hence he concluded, J Pawl mil preach without hire, verfe 1 S this one thing rightly confidered confounds the Do &rine of Papif?s about Evangelical) counfels. verfe, a 5 Q. lop. Why are net Believers tinder the Law ? A. Firft, Becaufe Chrift was made under the law for them, Ga1.4.4. Secondly, becaufe as many as are under the Law, are under the Curti.. Gal.;,to Thirdly, becaufe they are led by the fpirit of Chriá, G41.5,1 8. Fourthlysbecaufe they have G the 49 AM,