Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

50 Of Believers under the Law, c{pinheritance by promife, Gal.3,eS. and it raay be knowne who they be, that are not under the law ; Firlf, by their fub- jetion to the Gofpell, for they that obey not the Gofpell of God arc all under the law and the curie, z Theff. t,8. Second- ly, by thankfull walking worthy of the Gotpel, Rrrer,T,z5. and by lledfatt working the Lords worke, t Cor,t 5;58. Third- ly, by being a law co themfelves in an univerfall refpecî to all Gods Commandements, Pfal.t i9,6. Fourthly, by groaning and fighing after God, that they may more and more be dire - Ctcd and ordered by his ftatutes, verf.5. FW£tly, by doing all this out of love, not for feare of hell and judgement, for they are a willing people, PM.' t o,4. Q. r 1 o. In what fence are not believers under the Law? A. FUR. They are not under the Law in regard of the rigor of it, for that requires men to be without finue, which none can be in this life, a King8.46. and to performe perfonall o5ed.ence, which now is impofEble by reafon of the weak- nefleof theflefh, Rom.8.3. Secondly, they are not under the law in regard of juflification, Rom.3,1o. they are freed from the necetlàry fe,king ofrighteoufiaeffe by it, Gal,z,21 . Thirdly, they are not under the Law, in regard of the curie of it, Gal.3, 1 3. the-Law miniffers death, z Cor.;,7. Fourthly, they are not un- der the Law, in regard of the spirit of feare, that is in it, z Tim. 1,7. which accompanies the Law, as it did the deliverer of it, Heb.t z,al. and yet as long as their love s not perfèót they doe feare, y 7obn 4,18. Fiftly they are not under the Law, as it was in Mofes his hand, John t,r7. havinga yoke of bondage- annexed to it, Gal.S,r. the Church being then in their-minoricy, Ga1.4, ;. under Tutors and governours verfe a. O. t 11. 2Vow prove that Beleevers in fonts fence are un- der the Law ? A. Firr4, Paul fàyes the Law is not abrogated by faith, nay God forbid fayes he, Rorm. ?, 3 r . Secondly, the dutyes of the law are prefed upon the conicience after faith ; avenge not your (elves, Rem. r 2,19. children obey yourParents, Rph.6,r. and the tell,. neither is he a legal! teacher, but an Evangelical! teacher, that