Of Belieroer,r under the Lain, that now relfeth the commandement of the Law upon the con - fcience, Math. I5,19. Thirdly, becauiè it is a prelumptuous fpeech to fay, be in (shrift and fin if thou canfl; for David: mur- der after he was in Chrifl was a firme, 2 Sam, 1 z,1 3. there is not a juflified man upon earth but finneth, Ecci.7,2o. nay, we that are Apofllcs of C.hrift in many things we offend all, luyes James, Jam.3,z and if we fay no, we lye, z John.' ,8. now where no law is there can be no fin, Rom.4,15. Fourthly, CLr:fl came not to abrogate the law, Math,5,17. as he fulfilled it himfelfe, fo he makes his members to delight in it, Rom.7,22, and to love it, Pfa1.¡19,97. and the law is fá id to be fulfilled by them, when they walke not after the flefh, but after the fpirit, Rom.8,4. and if they fin at any time, they are com- manded to confeffe their finnes, a John.z,9. and though they obey God out of love, yet when they love, they fulfill the law of God, Roma z,ro. t t z. What ti that fence, wherein believers are uxder the Law r A. They are under the Law. Firfl, in regard, they are commanded to keep it, P141.1o5,45. and to order their lives according to it, as a rule, `Pfal. t t9,9.. Secondly, in regard of the neceflity of good works not as caufes of, but as away unto life, Tit.3.14. Thirdly. in regard that God is difpleafed with them, when they breake it, a Sam.e 5,27. and will punifh them, Amos ;,z. as a father doth his fon that doth off'. nd him, Heb.1 z.7. nay fometimes with the flecp of temporal! dsath, Cora 1,30. Fourthly, in regard that they are bound to repent whenfoever they finne, Rtvel.3,19. and to pray for pardon of finne, Pf4l.5t,r Fiftly, in regard that the threatnings of the Law mnft be a motive to them to take heed, 3ob.31,2;. for though their God be a loving and everlafling father, yet he is a confuming fire , Reba 2,29. for though unbelievers,. onely (lull be damned, a Thef. i,t z. yet believers mull heare of Gods judgements and fee them, that their flefh may be curbed with feare, Pp/m.52,6. Sixthly, in regard that they are to be humbled themfelves by the Law, and cry out G 2 upon