Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

OfPrayer, upon themfelves for their often tranlgrefiings of it Rom. 7,24. . r13. What is Prayer ? A. It is a calling upon God,8oan.ro,13. in the dance of Jefus Chrift, John 16,z 3. for whatfoever we need, John 14, 13. it is an ad of our Spirit, 1 Con' 4,14. and of our heart prepared, Pfal.to,t7. and of all, the foul- lifting it felt up unto God, Pfa1.z 5,1. and looking up to him, Pfa1.5,3. and prelénting our felves before him, 7%'gn.g,zo. with Faith, Iase. 1,6. andearneflneffe, Af1s 13,5, and firiving,Ce[.q.,rz. and great heed, 4L rke.t3,33 by the helpe of the 'holy Ghoff, Jude 20. who is the spirit of Prayer in Gods children, Zach. 12,1o. without whom, there is no fence, nor meaning in our prayer in Gods accompt , Rom.3, a7, neither can we truly call God father without him, GaI.4,6. neither are our Prayers, prayers at all, except we be Saints, the prayers of the Saints, Rev.5,â. .1T4. TO whom are roe to Pray A. To God only, it is his glory to be called upon, Pfa1.5o, 15. which he will forgive to another, I¡a43,8, Firft, be- caufe Prayer is a principali part of divine worfliip, Joe/.z,3 z. and divine worfieip is to be given to God only, a Sam,7,3, Secondly, becaufe we may call upon none, but one whom we are to belceve, Ram.so, r 4. Thirdly, becaulc God onely know eth our hearts, and what wee inwardly delire, Acts 1, 24. Fourthly becaulc hec only is all- fùfficient and Almighty, Gex. 17,r. to give us whatfoever we aske 1 Johx. 5, r 5. warrantably, verfe 54. Fifily, becaufe the Lord counts it a heavie judgement, when he lets people call upon any other but him, Judg.i o,14. Sixtl y, we have neither precept nor example of any Saint that called upon any,but his heavenly father ; nay, our Saviour fäith, when ye pray, pray to your heavenly Father, Math.6,g. Seventhly, becaufe we need nor Saint, nor Angel to entcrceed for us, we may make bold our felves ith the throne of grace, Hó.4,16. Laftly, Chrift knocks of all teed oft