Of Prayer, ( 53 of Mcdiatour s with an argument of Gods infinit condrfcend- [. ing love, fah's.i6,z6, Q. ' 15. Why vi,cff we Pray in the name of Chrift the Mediator ? A. FUR, becaufe we are poore Gnfull duff and allies, and therefore we cannot be admitted except he procure us acceíle unto the father, %-pk.z,r8. Secondly, becaufe we have pro- voked God, and therefore fhould pull down a curie rather then a blefling, except he should make interceffìon for us, Rom.8, 34. Thirdly, becaufe he onely is enough powerful! with God,illath. z8,1g. and no man is acquainted with God, but he, and fuch as he makes to be acquainted with him, Math.' r,-2.7. again there is none worthy but lie, for he was flaine for us, Reve1.5, g. Fourthly, what are Mofes, and Simnel, and Job, and Daniel, and Noah, that he 1Taould aske in their name ? to which of the Saints can we turne, 146.5,1. Fiftly, all the Saints that were in the old Teflament, or lince, prayed in his name, David lookt at him as his fiirety, Pfa1."g,1 zz. and his Meifìas or anointed, Pfa1.84 g. Hezekiah lookt at him as his undertaker. Ifs.38,i4. Daniel prayed God to heare him Ihr his fake, Daniel.9,17. Q. 1' 6, What it it to Pray in the name of Chriff ? A. It is not, Fail, to ufe Chrifls name, and lay, Lord we pray in Chrills name, Matb.7, 22. nor Secondly, onely to con- clude our prayers thus, Through Jefus Chrifl our Lord, though the Saints doe ufe there words too,'- Cor.t ïy7. nor Thirdly, to counterfeit Chrilis Ring to the father, and fay we cerne from him; for the Lord knowes who are his and whether we truly come from hitas, yea or no, z Tioa.z,to. for Chrift will fay to his father, Father J never Pent filch and fuck, as he did of the falle Prophets, J never lent them, Jer.sq;r4, but to pray in the name of Chrift is, Firfl, when we are in with Chrill, and fo pray,lohn.15,7.. As the Ty. riots firfl made B14ß$sthe Kings Chamberlains their friend and then made their fate to the King, Aft.' 2,20, Secondly, when we can truly fay, not only that there is an Advocate with their father, but alto that we have him for our advocate, ' Joh.a,z. Thirdly, when we doe not only G 3 concei t l