Of Prayer, conceipt that we come to God by him, but we come to God by him indeed,Heb,7,a5. Fourthly, when we can truly thew his Ring, that he is our Mediacoer by promife, Heb.8,6. Now this Ring is, fir( {,effe$uall calling, Heb.9,15. Secondly, a good Confcience, when our heart condemnes us not,then we may be confident, i Joh.3,ar. Thirdly, faich,Math.zl ,aa. Fourthly, the living knowledge of the truth, r 7 a,4. for then wee may be lure we have a token from the Mediator, verfe 5. 2.117. Why it Faith nceefJary to Prayer ? A. It is neceffary co bring us to Prayer. Fira, becaufe wee cannot draw neare unto God elfe, Heb. 10,224. Secondly, be- caufe the relation of God as a father, mull bring us unto pray - er,Lu &o 15,18. Thirdly, becaufe the knee of our wants and fumes and atfliclions, are to fetch us unto prayer, Pfal. i x6,1o. Fourthly, becaulè Faith is the feet whereby to come unto God, Heb.r 1,6. againe. Faith is neceffary to dilcharge larayer,3am. r 5 Firfl, to pray boldly, Fphef.3,2 z. Secondly, to lib up hands that are holy, Tim. a,$, Thirdly, to inlarge thy heart in prayer,z Sam.z,r, againe, faith is neceffary to conclude prayer, how elfe can we fay Amen ? Revel.., a,ae. or leave our pray- ers withChrift, in whom the Promifes of God are Yea, and A- men, 2, Cor.1,2o. Firfî,becaule faith mull tet thy heart at quiet after prayer ; when Hannah had done Praying, fhe did ease and her countenance was no more fad, 1 SAms.1,18. Though there were but an inch between David and death, yet when he had Prayed, bee let his heart at tea, Pfal.3,5. Secondly, faith makesthe route wait, and when we have prayed and ufed all the meaner, wee have need of patience to wait, Heb, ío,36 Thirdly. faith inbanceth prayer the next time, that if it (peed not the firfl time, it may rife higher and higher with all impor, tuniry, Ling x r L. Q. I18, What fay you of the differerreir and dtvifons of Prayer ? A. Prayer is either, firfl, Metrical! with mufick, .9F11 1! 1. which isaduty commanded, Pfal,95,x. being very futableto fpirituall mirth, lard. 5,13. and to make us heavenly minded and