Of Prayer. and that requires Prayer, Ails 2.a,16. and the Word, and that requires prayer ; and the ccnfures, and they require prayer; and therefore Gods houfe, is called a houf'e of Prayer, Math. r2,r3. I 20. What more of publique Prayer ? A. Publique Prayer is harder then private, though Gods people doe more joy in it then in private, P fal, r 23,1. for in publique a man is more fubjea. Firf 't, to diffrac%on,.what with one thing or another; it fhould feeme Eaetichxe was dif'rao`fed with the fweltmcflè of the throng, and made drovvzy, Ais zo. !. Secondly, Hypocrite, hypocrifie made the Plaarifes willing to pray in their'Synagogues, . ath.6,5. Thirdly, to formality, Moab. t 5,8. Meancs to helpe there evils arc, Firti, pray often in fècret, learnt to pray there, and then thou mayeft the better pray in publique ; David bidding is praife Cod in the congre- gation, Pfal.r49,1. he bids us pratfe God in our beds, verfe 5. Secondly, prepare thy felfe and fixe thy heart ad}, and then come and Pray in publique, `I'fal.57.7,S,9 J will prepare Bullocks and Goates, faith the Pfalmift, Pfal.66,t 5. Third- ly; labour that the fpirit of God may bring thee into Gods tem- ple, Lxke a,17. Q. t z I. How do yeu prove, that the A4ffer of the family . is to gather his family together every Adorning and Evening and to pray in his family? A. Firft, becaufe this is made to be one of the reafons why Husbands fhould dwell with their wives thai their domeflicall payers be not hindred, a Pet.3,7. Secondly, by the example of jefhxa, Iofh.24,r 5. and Cornelitet, A5.1o,z. and Heller, He(F.4,i6, Thirdly,becaüfe the families of the godly are cal- led Churches, R, iw., t 6,y. and therefore they fhould be as the Temple, where Morning and Evening facrifice was every day ; and it was counted the abomination of defolation, when it was taken away, Dan.r i,3i. Fourthly, becaufe there is a Promifè to encourage men to it, though but two, or three be in the family Maths 8,ze,. Fiftly, becaufe there be family tunes, and family wants, and family bleflïnas, all which require prayer; and therefore