Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Prayer. therefore all families fhould have facrifices in them, s Satxt.zo, 29. Sixtly, becaufe the Lord curfeth filch Families as doe not call upon his Name, Jer. s o.a5, there is Scripture enough to prove it, though we might fay of Family prayer, as Paul does to the godly concerning Love ; touching brotherly love,yee have not need that J write unto you, for yee your (elves are taught of God, to love one another,x 7heff4,9. So God taught Jacob to let up his worûrip in his houfhold, Gen.35,2. and 16 did 4brahanz , Gen. s S. r 9. 4,1 z z. What fay you of extraordinary prayer. A. Three things make it. Firfl,extraordinary might and fer- vency, Jon.3,R. Secondly, extraordinary continuance, Hef¢,g, s6. Thirdly, extraordinary afliftance of the fpirit, and ftrength of the new nature, Math.9, s7. Five things do require it more efpeciall. Firft, a fpeciall want of fume bleflïng, Luke.2,37 though the blefiîng be but temporali, Gen.z5,z1. Secondly, entringupen a calling, Math.q.2,17. Thirdly, ones firftcon- verfion, a Chron.33,i 3;18,/9. Fourthly, fotne Imminent dan- ger through fin, Math.26,75, Fiftly, when we fie that ordi- nary prayer will not ferve turne, z Cer.i z,g. now falling Both helpe it, AE1-.io,3o. for fling. Fir(}, it pulls down the flefh and chaftens thelóul, Pfal.69,1o. and affili6Is it,Exra.8,zl. Secondly, its a good .helpe to contrition, when its lánáified, táel.t,s4. Thirdly, being rightly obferved, its afigneofhumi- lition, hrehem.I,q. Againe, extraordinary Prayer. Firft, it requires retblution of better obedience Hof.14..2,3. Secondly, much humiliation contrary to pride. Job.; 5, x z. Thirdly, free - dome from worldly cares, that we may be given unto prayer, Wain;.109,1. Fourthly, watchfulneffe and great heed -taking, Market 3,3 3. Fiftly, that wee look not our quicknings after- wards lea we be guilty of holding downe our heads like a bul- rufh fora day, I fa. 5R; 5. Q. 113. what motions are there to induce ti to extraordi- nary prayer and feeking of God? A. There be fix motives, Firfl, the Commandement ofGod when ordinary feeking will not find him, now he tels us is a H time 57