5g O f Prayer. time for extraordinary 1ael.z,t z. Secondly, the gracious pro - mile that God hath made to it, Math.7,7. Thirdly, the great efficacy of it,Jarr4,16. for importunity can doe much, Lacke. x8,5. thelfraelites prayed often and fped not, but when they cryed then they fped, exec/m.3,7. So againe, when they cryed to God, they did speed, ludd, 3, r 5. this poore man cryed, fay es David, poynting at himfelfe and the Lord heard hint, Pfal.34, 6. Fourthly,the glory of God, and the credit of the Gofpel ; for what may the world thinke, if we that (land fo much for pray- ing fhould not prevaile, L ra.8.zza3. Fifthly, our infinite need, and therefore we fhould thinne it is high time toawaken, and to call upon our hearts to awake, Pfal.ro8 Z. Sixtly, our Tall refuge i.: extraordinary leeking, we muff reafon thus ; What hope have we, if we doe not (peed with God, Pfalno. 39.7 Q. t 24. May we not pray for the Dead? A. No, David cealed praying for his child when once it was dead, 2 Sam.r a,, 3. as for that place in the Machabes, Maccha.t 2,44. that is not Canonical( fcriptures, z Macch.1 ï: 38. Firfl, when pcopleare dead our communion with them ceafeth,lfa.8.19. Secondly, there is no profit in filch prayers, as the tree falleth fo it lyeth, Eccl.17.3. when our Saviour fayth, that the linne again(( the holy Ghofl (hall not be forgiven neither in this world nor in the world to come, Math x z4 z. he doth not imply that there maybe fume Grans, that though they be not forgiven in this world, yet they be forgiven in the world to come, but it is only a vehement phrafe to (hew it (hall never be forgiven, verfe 31. for we mull agree with our adver- fary, while we are here in the way with him, Math.535. and yet we may pray for the confummation of fuck as are der.d in the Lord for that is included in the fecond Petition, Thy king - dome come, Math.6.1o. and they without us cannot be made perfeêl, Heb.11.40. Againe, we may give thanks for the glori- ous vietory of the Saints departed, for done member be preferred to honour, all the members reioyce with it, a 0.-125. Now there befive forte of the living that we . ut Pr