Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Prayer. 1 59 Pray for. Firft, for the whole Church of Chrift. Secondly, fer, the Minifters. Thirdly, for them of our owne heufe. Fourthly, for them of the place where we live. Fifty, for cur enemies ; fliew me now whether and why we enufi pray for the whole Church ofChrift ? A. Wemufi pray for all Saints, whether Saints aótually already, or ele6c which (hall be Saints, Eph.6,18, for thefe Saints make up the Church, a Ccr,24,33. for, Fitt+, they are the dearly beloved of Gods foul, ler.1a,7, Gods pleafant portion, verfe To. The city of the living God, Reba 2,2a, the Lambs bride, lev.a a,9. Secondly, we are moll bound to the Church, for the Church is our mother, Gal.4,a6. and there- fore wee fhould preferre her before all, P fal.z;7,6, Thirdly, we {hall prófper the better if we doe Pfeil.' 2,2,6. Fourthly, we (hall the fooner be heard for our felves, David when he would faine be heatd for himfelfe, hee prayed for the Church, Ffal.5a,i8. yea, all bleilings that come to us, come to us through the Church, Pfal.t;3,3. ,Agaiue, if the Church be in mifery, good reafon we (hould lainent for her, Nehem.i,4. Secondly, her miferies are ours, looke w hat evill comes upon her comes upon us, Dan,9,t 3. Thirdly, it is the brand of the wicked not to regard the of uidtionsof Jofepb, Amos 6,6. a s6. What and why mull we pray for Gods Minifters? A. That they may be clothed with righteoufiieffe Pfal. a ;a. 9. and take heed to their Minifiery to fulfill it, Col.4. a 7. which is ; Fir(i, not to Preach themfelves hut Jefus Chrifl, 2 Cer.4, 5. Secondly, to fpeake, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority, Tat.a,a5. in feafon, out of fnl,n, with all infante and long Mitering, s Tim.{, . Thrdly, not to looke back from the plough left they be unfit for Cods k'nglome, Luke 9.6a. Fourthly, to be an exan:pl. to Sclirve s,in word, and con - verfatioo, ifa fpirit, and in purity, a Tírr.q. t s. Again, we muff pray that they may have utterance with beldneffe.. Epbef.6,1 9. For firfi, wee cannot looke to have a good Minder. except we pray for him, Matb.9,38.. Secondly,though we have one we cannot looke to keep him, except we Pray for him, A. i 2.5, H a Thirdly,