60 Of Prayer. Thirdly, though we doe not loofe him, yet he may be fl:reight- ned, that he (hall never be able to doe us good, except wee pray for him, Col.4,3. Fourthly though he be not flreightned, yet our hearts may be doled up under his Minillry, except we pray for him, t Thef.5,2 5. Fiftly, we have no love of the Spirit in us, except wee pray for Gods Minill:ers, Rom.t 5.30. The Lord himfelfeteachcth us how to Pray, Deut.33.8. Q. a 27. How doe you prove, That wee -muff Pray for all of our houfe, for our Children, and Kindred, and Servants, and for our Parents, and Wife, and Fiasband,and Matters ? A. Eliaz.er prayed for his Malter, Gen.24,1 z,. El,fha for his Servants, 2 Kings.6.17. Jacob for his Children, Gen.48,16. and lob too, lob. t.5. Abraham fòr; Ifhmael, Gen.17.18. Firfl, becaufe we areboùnd not to peller the Church with a naughty generation, if to be we can helpe it ; when Seth had begotten Enofh, then bee fet up Prayer, Gen 4.26+ Secondly, we are bound to love the glory of God, that our Children may Rand up to praile God, when wee are dead and gone ; and therefore David had acare of a goodfeed,Pfal.22.3o. and fo Abraham of his houfhold after him, Gen. t8.r9. Thirdly, becaufe we bring forth our Children children of wrath, EA., .3. Fourth- ly, becaufe its a great bleffing to have godly children, Pfal.t44 r t. and wee are blelfed in them much more when they are godly indeed, Dent 33.21. Fiftly, becaulc other wife we do but beget them by halves, when once we have gotten them to be wile and gracious, then we may be better laid to have begot them, Prov.23.24. Q. 128. How doe you prove that we muf more efpecially pray for the 'Towne andplace where we live ? A. The inhabitants of 3erufalem prayed for lerufalern,Pfal+ 74,2. Firll, becaufe our felves doe live there ; and therefore we mull pray for it as Lot did Zoar,Gen.t9,21. and yet bee was but about to live there. verfe 20. Secondly, becaufe our peace and good confifis in the peace and good of the Towne that wee live in,ler.t9,7. knd except the feare of God be among them we cannot comfortably live by them, Levit.15,36. and if wee pray.