Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Curling, 6t pray for them, God canlay a charge upon their Confciences not to trouble our reflingplace,Prov.a4,I5. Thirdly, we may win force of their foules to goe along with us to heaven, Gen.3 5.z. David dwelling at Gath, it fhould Item bee converted Ittai to the faith, 2 Sam.t 5,19. Fourthly, becaufè we are bound to do f'uch duties, as do require prayer for them, as for example to ex- hort them ; and therefore Phthp did fo to Nathaniel his.neigh bout, lohn I,4s. Levi being converted himfelfe got his neigh- bours t6 be at his houle to meet Chria,Luke 5, z9, and fo did Cornelius, Alts 10,4. Fifcly, wee our felves may have a great deale ofcomfort, if we convert any of their foules, Iam.5,zo. Sixtly, hereby we may be helpers to Gods Minifiers. Philemon a great Nobleman was Patois fellow- labourer in this kind, Philem.e . . Q. r z9. why muff wee pray for our Enemies? A. God is pleated to (hew them this favour, that though himfelfe doe not forgive them, yet hee will have us to forgive them, and love them, Math.5,44. there may be more felfe- rcfpeóls in 'praying for them that love us, verfe 46. but there is more godly lingularity in praying for our enemies,ver(e 47. and more per(elhton and fincerity. verfe 4`3. and more proximi- ty to God, verfe 45. David failed and prayed for his enemies, !fat 35,13. Fiifl, becaufe we are more fenfible of their enmi- ties and injurin s,'by rcafon that we feefe then ; and therefore we may the better pray for them, Luke z ;,34. Secondly, here- by we have that condition that is required to the forgivenef e of 'our limes ; Math.6,i 4. for if wee doe not fórgive them, God will not forgive us, verfe i 5. Thirdly, hereby wee may overcome the evill of revenge in our hearts, nay and of ma- lice in theirs, Rom. I z.i 9,20. Fourthly, this is that way to commit our caufe unto God. as the Poore godly foul doth, Pfal.lo,14. Fiftly,we (hall lofe nothing by it, for either our enemies will be mollified towards us, or if they be not, God will reward us, Prov.25,2z. Sixtly, it will be a great coni- fort to us, we can fay thus before God, J have flood before thee to fpeake good for them, Jer.s8,2o. Seventhly, this H 3 duty