6z Of Curling. duty being rightly done is a figne of a' fanekified heart, All-, ],60. Q. z 30. What fay you of Cuffing or imprecation, or pray- ing againft one ; it femur it is unlawful!, Rom . 12,14. neither ran we be called unto it, t Pet.3,9. for it proceeds from hatred, now hatred is Manflaughter, t Ioh.3, z 5 A. We may not wifh evil!, as it is evil! to any man, but onely as it is good, Ga1.5, r 3. Firft, we may with evil! to a man for the mans good, Pfal.9,zo. Secondly, we may pray againft a mans fumes, Pfal.7,9. Thirdly, againft all the plots and counfels and projects of the wicked, that God would curie them, Pfd.59.11, t 2. Fourthly, againft the life of offenders, J may with that the Magifìrate would put them to death, not as it is harnie to them, but as it is a good to the Church, or State, or Parifh, that we live in, P fd.r 01,8. as for thefe curling fpeeches of Plague, and Murraine, and Vengance, and Devil!, that thefe evils might take one, they are the fpeeches of tongues fet on fire of hell, efpecially as they are ufed, lam, 3,6. Nay_ a man mua not curie Satan as it is in the Apocrypha,Ecclafi.4. at 27. muchleffe the good creatures ofGod ; as people curie their meat, the weather, or a (tone that they (tumble at, Rom ; 14. yet we may abfolutely curfè the enemies of the Lord in the generali; becaufè we meane inch as are finally enemies `Pfah68,r,2. and if we had a fpirit of difcerning in particular too, 2 7'ím.4,14. We read of three kinds of C,irfing, firft optative, Pfa1. 109, 6. Secondly , imperatite , Judge. s. 23. Thirdly, indicative or declarative, fo Gods Minifters curie the wicked whenfoever they preach, !era 1,3. Q4/3/. Is Thanksgiving a part of prayer ? A, It is acalhng upon God, Pfal.1os.t. and the very thanking of God, for mercies received, is a kind of praying for new mercies, Co/.z, x, and by our thankfulnelfe for grace that we,have, it may be knowne that we rogue:, grace that we have not, Phil.46, and our twine Tharkigiving is prayer -wife, Lord