Of ?haztk fa'btng. Lord make me thankful], we mull ask it of God, and call up- on him for it, Pfal,116. r 3. Thankfgiving is called by the name ofprayer, the Pharifee prayed thus, God J thank thee, Luke,, 8. ,' i 1. and if we would perlèvere in prayer,a thankfull heart is the bell to continue it, C01,4, 2, and yet it is harder then prayer it fell. There were ten askers to one thanker, Luke.17.15,16. Firfi,becaufe our nature is like the horfleech, (fill it cryes give, give, Frov,3o,15. Secondly, becaufe there is more felfe -love in prayer, butthankfulneffe is more contraryro lelfe love. a Tim.3,z. Thirdly, becaufe our hearts are apt to love the blefling more then ..iod che giver of it : the pleafure more then God the beffower of 1t. verfe.4. Fourthly, becaufe we are apt to be leffe and leffe mindfull of former benefits, whereas thanklgiving is an everlafling grace, Pf4l.7o.i 5. Fifthly, we are apt to be dif- contented, if Gods bleffings do not every way pleafe us ; now enanklgiving is a cheerful! grace :' fa.5 r .3. Sniti there is more holineffe in Thanksgiving 'falm. '4y,r i, y' i ;z. What fay you of Thunkefgiving for Gods Jpiritualí mercies? A. We muff be thankfull for them,ephef r,3. Firfr, for our knowledge, or else it is accurfed unto us, Ko» ,1,21, Secondly, for any power againil (inne, Rom.7,z 5. Thirdly, for viéory o- ver death and hell. r Cor. r 5, 57. fo for peace of Confcience, Gol. 3,1 7, .lo for ability to fèrve God in our callings, r Tim r r 2. but wee mull be fure that we have thefe bleflings, or eltè we mock God, wee muff have faith, or elre we cannot thank God for it,Col.2,7. When one (ayes, God Jthanke thee for ele&ing me, and vet does not know it, it is vaine r 7hef.r.2,3, none hut the redeertiièd of the Lordean lay, Lord J than Pte thee for thine everlafling mercies, Pfal.107.r,z. wee mull be chiefly thankfull for fpiriraall mercies t firfI. becaufe they are mercies for our fouls Pfd 66.15 z6. S; condly they are eternal' Pful, ioo.4,5. Thirdly, peculiar to Gods_ele& as faith Tit.1,1, and the fpirit of Prayer, Lu1,e r 8,7. hoNEls of mercy and the like, Co1.3,12. Fourthly, they are rarer, Math. r r,z5. Fiftly, they bring with them the bleflings of this life,i 7'ím.4 S. Sixthly;to ; .. be I 63