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64 1 Of Ihaiikef airing. be thankfull for fuck mercies is a good antidote againec Finne, Ephef.ç.3,4. which a man can never be to any purpofè, except hee can 1á.y, God is my God, Philem.4, C. 133. What temporal! merciesmujt we be than full for, and why ? A. Fitft, for covering us in our mothers wombe, Platt 39, 13. for our life, Pfal.63,4. and breath. Pfal.1 5o,6. for the continuance of lice Pfsl.30,3. Secondly, tor our food and rainent,Gen.28,zo and for ourmaintamance, whether it be rich or poore, for both is from God, Prev.za,a. For the con- venience of our dwelling, as it is faid of 3ufttu. his houfe joy- tied hard to the Synagogue, A?iS,7. Thirdly, for our peace and fafety, this is another bleffing ofGod, 1 Kíng.4,a5. Fourth- ly, for preferviug us from ill accidents and milhaps, as fires, inundations, or any evill cafualties, yea for all his benefits, Pfal.1i6,1 a. Firfr, becaufe the Lord doth call for it, Pfal.to7. 8. and it is his will, z ThefJa,s 8. Secondly, the Lord is hod when we are not thankfull; 2Chron. 32.,2.5. Thirdly, temporall mercies are graces, Gen.3 3, ç. Jells Chrif} may be feen in the recovering out of any Ague, ÁU.9,34. Fourthly, we are leffe then the leafi of them, Gen.32,1 o. we are nothing, 2 Cor.iz,t 1. Fifthly , Thankfgivingdis`a multiplayiinngJd uty, ,ath,t5,36. Sixthly, there is a Thankfgiving, ga,t. Seventhly, to be thankful for tempotall ble11 ngs, is the way to be thankfull for fpirituall, and if we be not thank- . full for them, we will be thankfull for nothing; therefore an unthankful! man, and an evili man is all one, Luk,ç,6, 3 5. and fo unthankful!, unholy, a Tine.3,i. Lafily, to be thankfull as for meat, is to eate to the Lord. Rem.i 4,9. Q. i 34. Afuft wee not be tbank,full to God for hi>,oereies aspen ethers? A. Yes,`Pfal. 147. t, 2,3. whether a particular perfon, Philem.4. or a whole family. a 3oh,4. or a whole Parifh, Pin/.1,3. or the Church, Ads 1 ',TS. or good Magi!} rates, I Kings io,9. We midi thanke God not only for laving grace that we perceive others have, 1 Thef..1, 3. but alto for common grace