Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Confegon. grace, Abil.r,18. There was but a little good in the towne- Clarke, hee did but fpeake a good word for Paul, and .(Yrifiar- thus and Gajue, yet-Luke doth record it as a bleffing,..11fs 19, 3s. Gamalrel a meere civill man, yet when he did but pleafure the Apofiles a little, it is regifired as a mercy, Ails 5,34. The Barbarians making a warme fire for the Apofi le is related as a kindneffe,Aas 28,2. for God is glorified thereby ; when the people did but wonder at the Word as any of Gods works, this is a glory unto God,Afath.9,8, and therefore they are wretch- ed. Ftrfi, who have not grace nor goodneffe ; for wee cannot give thanks for them, but richer bewaile them, Pbi1.3,18. Se- condly, who though they have mercies and graces, yet they doe not communicate them to others, to occafion than kfgiving, they are like with- holders of Come whom the people curie, Prov. 11,26. Thirdly, who envie and repine at the bleffings of others; confider therefore, flrti, if wee envie our brothers good, it Both us no good but harme, Jo6.5,e. Secondly, it is fàfer for us that another thould have filch and fuck blengs then wee; for then they mull give account and not we, Luke.16,a. Thirdly, it is better for us too, is it not better that the eye fhould have the biding of Sight, then the foot or the hand, 1 Cor. r 2,2 1. Q.135. Becaufe ConfeJon is to be joynedwith Prayer, an 9, 20. and is put for prayer, Nehem.9, 3. Tell me whether it is necefary to prayer ,to confefe our finites in it? A. Expreffe Confeflion is not neceffary álwayes in Prayer, Aa.4,24 but implicite is when the Apofiles prayed God for boldneffe, they did implicitly confeffe their want of it, verfe 29 one of thefè two Confeflìons is neceffary ; for con{effion it is put for Prayer, ban.9,4. Fitts, becaufe `rayer it lelfe does con - fefle our poverty of fpirrt, Luke 1.; r. and it inferreth humbling 'of our felves and a fence of our owne tnlvfiiciency ; for if we were fufficient in our felves, what net d we goe to God, Jam.4, s o. Secondly, both we and our Prayers are vile, and uncleane, fob.40,4. but exprefle confèf ion is neceffary, when fciences is fouled with guilt, prod 32,5 not to inf orm God ; for our on- j