Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

66 1 Of the Lord,p Prayer, for he knoweth mens fins, a King.19,27. but Fitts, to cleare the Lords juftice, Nehem.9.31,32,33. Secondly, to obtaine mercy, Prov.i8,i 3. Thirdly, to lay hold on Gods faithful - neffe, 1 John t,9. J doe not meane of every particular finne ; for full, our finites are innumerable and cannot all be reckoned up, Pfeil .40,12. Secondly, force of them we know not, Pfeil. 19,12. but our grievoufer Clones ; then we muff particularly confeffe, i Sam.iz,19. Fitts, becaufe thefe Phew that we have need of a God of falvation, Pfa1.51,14. Secondly, fuchfinnes mofl waft: Confcience, moil dead the heart, and molt hinder us from feeking Gods face, Hof. ,r 5. fuch are the rootes of many other finites, and if wee root them out, many others will the eahilier fall oft, 1 7'ivo.6,1o. Q 136. As Manoah fail to the Angell, bow fhall7 order the Child, Jud g.13,12. SO may J fay of Confeffion, how fhall wee order ourConfejon, haw fhallwe wake it A. Wee muff doe with Confeflion as C hrifi faith of Hea- ring, we muff take heed how,Luke 8,18. Firft,the confeffion of finne muff be naked, without hiding of ought, Prov.28,i 3. though the committing of it be the worfe, the leffe wee doe hide it, Ifa.3.9. Secondly, by way of judging our felves, r Cor.r 1, 31. and inditing our selves, 1 Chron.z1,8. Thirdly, with griefe and forrow, and compun&ion, and fmiting of our brefl, Luke 18,13 Fourthly , fiiame and confufion of face, Ezra 9,6. cafiingour fpirits and felvesdowne, Ezra io,r. Fiftly, giving over our old company, and feparating our felves from them, Nehem.9,2. Sixtly, accepting the punifhment of our iniquity, Levit.26.40,41. not onely confefing our Cienes, Dan.9.4 but Petting our hearts to it, verfe 3. Seventhly, with Faith, AFts 19.18. and with having our finites ever before us, Pfal.51.3 Befdes,this confefhion before God, in force cafes there rnufi be a Conf fíion ? firfl, before the Maÿiflrate,lefh.9.19. Secondly, before a Brother, i Sam.26.2 r . Thirdly, before one another, lam.5.i 6. Fourthly, before a Minifter, Marke, r.5. _ Q. 137. Whether are wee bound repay the Lords Prayer,