Of the Lords Prayer, 6' ixft chafe very words and no other? There be fosse fuper¡litious people, that fay, lit us pray for this, and let us pray for that, and let roc pray for the e/ate of the whole Church ; and let us pray for the King, and for all thefe things, let us fay the Lords Prayer ; doe thefe men doe well? A. No? Chrift when he bids us fay, Our Father which art in heaven, &c. Luke r r, z. He does not mease, that wee fhould precifely keepe our felves to thefe words, but that we fhould Pray after that manner, Math.6.9. As Minifters fhould preach nothing but the Word, a 7 im.4,=, and yet they may give the fence in other words, Nebem.8,8. FitA, becaufe the Apofiles prayed in other words, and did more fpecialize their Petition, AIL r.24. Secondly, this prayer is diverfly fir downe by the Evangilifts,one way in one,Math.6,rr. another way in Luke, Luke. r r .3. one way in one, Math,6.1 s. another way in the other, Luke,/ r .4. Thirdly, who knowes this is all that Chrift uttered, john.ar,a5. we lee plainely Mathew lets down more, then Like doth ; it may be Chrift fpake more then either hath expreffed, Math.6.1 3. Fourthly, Chrift hinsfelfe did not ufe these very words ever, when he would pray Lazarus alive, he did not fay the Lords prayer over the grave, Joh.rr.4i, when he would pray for his Apoftles, he did not fay the Lords prayer over them, John.r 7.r. Fiftly, our fpeciall times and wants, doe require that we fhould pray more fpecially then fo, a Kings, r gas. Sixtly, we read of praying all night, we cannot think that the Lords prayer was faid over and over againe and againe, L44 e.6.12. we are to continue in prayer, what by going over and over the Lords prayer ? No, Col.4. z, neither is it neceffary to conclude our prayers with this, Aí1.4.30. and yet we may if we will, Luke.rr.3. neither is there any thing againfi it. No, though it be fcripture, the fame thing may be fcripture and the word of God, and yet theprayer of a man, F fa1.9o.z 2. Q. t 3 8. Why doth our Saviour teach us to call God father in our prayers? A. Firft, to teach us we cannot pray to him, except lie be our Father, and we have the fpirit of his Sonne, Ga1.4.6, Se. I z comity,