68 ¡ Of the Lords Prayer, condly, to afí°ure us that he will give us good things, Lulea 1, I 3. Thirdly, to call no man father on earth, for he is ou r own father, Marb.23,9. Fourthly, that we may behave our felves towards him as a Father, Deut.3 z,6. Ftr(l, to honour him as a father, M41.1,6. Secondly, to count our felves, fojourners, as long as wee be ablcnt from him 1 Pet. 1,t 7. Thirdly, to be feperate from the children of this world, and to touch no un- cleane thing, z Cor,6,18 Fourthly, to be followers of God, fecing he is our father, Ephef 5,i to be obedient children ,tak- ing heed of all lulls. t Pet.1, r 4. to continue fo doing to the eNd, and to overcome ; otherwilc het is not our Father, nor wee his Children, ev.z 1,7. If wee delire that bee (hould be our Father, firft,we mull be fatherleffè,otherwife, Pfal.8 5,5, Secondly, we muff receive Chrifl, and then we shall havethe power of calling him Father, Joh.r,iz. Thirdly, we muff get the Lord to fay to our hearts, Hoft,to. Fourthly, wee mull be lure that we be Peace-makers, Math.5,9. Fiftly, we mutt love our enemies, and lend freely, Luk6,3 5 Laftly, we mull be the good feed begotten againe under the Kingdome of grace, Math.13,38, ß,134. Why our Father, nor my Father ? A. We may pray allo my Father, Lu.15,r S. and we are taught to doe fo in private, Math,6,6. for, fill, Nature teacheth that the creature (hould have a particular propriety in God, whom it callech upon, lon.t,6. Secondly, we have need cf a particular propriety in God, that we may tIrengthen our Peti. tion, Luk.1 5,19. Thirdly, that we may come thankfully be- fore him, Rosn.1,8. Fourthly, that we may come with filiali ogee-lions, and never run away from him, 3er,3,19, but our Saviour puts it in the Plurali number ; firtI, becáufe wee arc to Pray with others, Ads 20,36. Secondly, wee are to Pray for others, lam.5,16. Thirdly, to teach us to love one another, and not to deale unbrotherly one with another, Mal z, to. Fourth - ly,to (hew us that God is univerfally a Father to all his ele6t, and he is not like an earthly Father, that bath but oneBlefing, or few bleffings, Gen.z7,38. nay, though all the company that