Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prager. Cgi that joyne with us in Prayer, be not adopted unto God ; yet if two or three by the mouth of the company, may pray Oar Fa- ther, Pfa.63,16. the meeting is denominated a congregation of Saints from them two or three, Pfal. ¡49,1. there is a com. munication of the Phrafes ; the mouth of the allénibly know- ing there be Tome wicked, though force bee not ; yet by the communication of phra Ces, hee may fay, We have done wicked- ly, though neither himfelfe, nor many of the company have done fó, Nehem.9,3 3. Betides, God is in a general! fence ti-e Father of fuch as are rebellious, /fa,1,2. and they may equivo- cally be laid to be in Chrifl, John 15, 2. ,ß,;14o. What L. the meaning of Heaven in Prayer ? A. Heaven lignifies, firíl, the region of the áyre, Jer.8,7. Secondly, the place of the Sunne, Moon and flutes, Gen ¡ 5,5'. Thirdly, the Church of Jefus Chrill, Rev.r 2,7.- Fourthly, the blcffed Angels, job. 15,i g. Fiftly, God himfelfe, Dan.4,26. S'xtly, the habitation of Gods holineflé; where the glorified Angels are in blifl'e,and enjoy the beatificall vifion of God, and fo it is meant here efpecially, z Kings 8,7.o. which is called the third heaven, 2 Cor.¡z,z, farre above all other created heavens, Ephef,4,io. it felfe being a created thing too , Heb.! 1,10. Gods children houfeand home, 2Cor.s,I. Gods holy hill, Pfal,a4, 3. from whence he blefjeth his People, Deist :26,15. where he fitteth as a great Prince on his throne, Pfál. i 1,4. and bee is Paid to be in heaven ; firfl, to flrike Reverence into us, £cclef. 5,2. Secondly,to let us underfland, hee can doe what- foever he will, Pfál.r15,3. Thirdly, to lifì and raife up our hearts in prayer, Pfa1.123,!. Fourthly, to Chew how'infinitly hee is above us, his thoughts above ours, his motions above ours, ¡fa.5 5,9. Fiftly, to expreffe Gods condifeending good - nefle, that bee being in heaven will deigne to Tooke upon a pore foule, Jfa.66.1,z. and yet God is not confined to heaven, as though hee were there onely, PP/. 139.7,8. No, bee fils heaven and earth too, Jer.23;2j. and the whole world is not able to contáine him, z Chren.6,i 8. I 3 Q 141.