Of the Lords Praycr, Q. 141. For the fir (1 Petition, Hallowed bee thy Name ; what is the meaning of Name bere ? A. Firi , the Lord himfelfe, his very Perfon and nature, Deut.28,58. for Name is often put for ones perlón, AE's 1,15. fo all,, Rev.3,4. Secondly, Gods attributes, Exod.34,5. Third- ly, Gods dice= that hee {liould have in all the world, Pfa1.8, 1. Fourthly, Gods w'orflrip, Gen.4,26. Fiftly, any of Gods works or word, or any thing whereby bee is knowne, Exod.2 ©, 7. His name is Jehovah the Lord, I fa.4z,8. or J am that J am, Exed.3.I 3,14. As Chril} Paid of himièlfebefore Abraham was, Jam, John 8,58. The molt High,Pfalm.g.z. Etfbaddai, or the Almighty, or the All- firfficient, Genef.17,t. Hee hath fweetnames in the new Teflament, the God of Peace, Roma 5, 3 3 the God of Patience and Confolation, verfe 5. the father of Mercies and the God of all Comfort, z Corinth.1,3. &c. Indeed Gods name is unutterable, no word is able to exprefle who he is, Frov. ;o,4. It is tranfcendent above all Names, Phil.2,9. and Wonderful!, Ifa.9 6. and Secret, Judg.13,18. and hence it is ; Firfi, that no name is able fufCiciently to fet him forth, Gen.; 2,29. Secondly, his Name is expreffedby nega- tives, to thew that wee can rather tell what is not his name, then what is, Immortal!, Invifible, i Tim,1,17. Unfearchable. Pfalw.147,3.. Infinite, Pfsl.147.5. Thirdly, his Nanteis bor- rowed from his effe&ts, God that made the world, Afts 17,z and from his back- parts, exod.3 3,z3. Fourthly; figurative, and not proper, Exad.r5, ;. Prov.18,1o. O then ! God being fo great, what a condifcending goodnelle is in him to take upon him filch a poore name as this, Oar God, the God of Abraham Exod.3,15. Q. 742. Why Hallowed or San5tifced, rather thenglorified ; why is that Word tiled rather then this ? A. Becaufe Gods holineffe is the caufe why wee fhould glorifie him, E'xoel. r 5,r 1. Secondly, becaufe Gods greatneffe moll appeareth in his Holineffe, ¡fa.1 z,6. and fo doth his might, Luke t .4g . and therefore we call Kings Sacred, and the greater a perfon is the more facred; and therefore of all creatures the Lord