Of the Lords Prayer. Lord made his Angels molt holy, Luke 9,26. Thirdly, Gods holineffe is the beauty and lulire of all his Attributes, Pfal.96, 9. nay it is the beauties, Pfal.1 to,3. Fourthly, when the Angels would picke out an attribute to glorifie God molt in, they chofe his holineffe, Holy, holy, holy, not glorious, glorious, glorious, Fifcly we cannot glorifie God, except we be holy. a Pet.2,9.nay, it is-rather an obfcuring of Gods glory, when a pro - phane foul praifèth him ; and therefore our hearts, and our tongues,and converfations mull be holy, z Pet. t.15, t 6. we muff fanótifie him in righteoufheffe, ¡fa.5, ¡6. not as though wee can put holineffe upon God,that he had not before; in this cafe we had need that he fhould fancifie us, s Theff;5,23, but we muff make his Name co appeare to be holy by our doings, 114.29,23. 9. 143. For the fecond Petition, thy Kingdonse come, what fay yon ofthat ? A. God hath a foure -fold Kingdome. Firfl, the kingdonie of his Power : whereby he is over all, t Chron. 29,1 1 . and rul- eth over all, Pfal. t o ;,t 9. and reigneth in the Kingdoms of men, Dan.4,3z. and hath the Keyes ofhell and death, Rev t,18. Dive's and reprobates and all (hall bow to this Kingdome paf- fively, as well as the good Angels and elegy aÓtively, Rom,r4, //,, though they yet lay, he flaall not reigne over them, Luke 19.4. Secondly, the Kingdome of his Gofpell, whereby he reignes over the Chriflian world, both good and bid, Math.13, 47. which God threatens to take away, when people are un- worthy, Math.21,43, which is called a Kingdoms, becaufe.it offers men a Kingdotrie, Math.4,17. and becaufè by icChrift reignes in his Saints, Rev, r 5,z. and in his enemies too, but in a different manner, Rev./ 9,15. Thirdly, the Kingdome of his grace, whereby he rules only in his elect ; for this kingdoms is within them, Lrsk.17, 21, confilting in righteoufneffe, and peace, and joy, Roma 4. /7. bringing every thought into obedience, a Cor.1o, 5. and making them Kings too,Rev. t , 6.and to rule as it were with God, over finne and the world, and the Divell, W. r t .t a. and this Kingdoms is not of this world, 1448.36 Fourthly, the kingdome of glory, that flefh & blood cannot en- ter into, 1 Cora 5,5o. 0.144 71