the g rojl .sel f-tstatrder. ._ 53 it, when he might ? Thou hail gone on may be wilfully in thy fnnes, and now the Lord bath infliFied a judiciall cannot unto thee: Thou cana not come out of thy finnes, nay the Lo -d hath ca`t this c mntt upon thee in lodgement, he bath at thee in the flocks for thy wilfull fecurity. As the wicked 'ewer they could not believe (ayes the Text, becaufe Ifaiah faith, be hath blindedtheir eyes, and hardened their hearts, lob. 12 .39,40. could they excufe themfelves for their cannot ?No the Lord hath let them in the flocks for their wilfulneffe and fecurity ? They could not be- lieve, for they had wilfully provoked the Lord to call this cannot upon them in judgement. Fourth ly,the Scripture fpeakes of a compounded cannot. A cannot in f nfecomp?fato aswe call it , a cannct in a compounded face. As a Drunkard cannot tender his family, his pooreWife and children. No; as long at bellies blow. fing on the Alebench,he cannot,in a compounded fence he cannot. e" rifiatle Pets it out by fitting ; he that is fit- ting cannot walke, that is as long as he is fitting he can- not walke. As Chrif faith of a carnall man he cannot be my Difciple ; he cannot in a compounded fence , he that commetb to me,and bates not father and mother and wife and children, yea and bit own life, cannot be my Difciple, Luke 14 26. he cannot indeed as long as he Hands upon theft termes, My father will not love mn,and my mother will not like me ; if I lhould be one of your Difciples, my friends would not owne me:1 mutt doe as I doe or I can- not keepe my wife and children. Indeed as long as thou flandit on thefe termes thou cant' not be a Difciple of Chrift; thou canft not in a compounded fence ; but if thou wouldfl divide it thou mightft ; no man canferve two ma- fters,Bdatb 6.4. marke compound them together and he cannot. But if he would give over one, he might ferve the other; thou cant not thou fayeft. No; I yeild thee in a cm pounded fence thou cants not, thou canft not as long as thou art thus carelef fe as thou art , as long as thou fa.. voureft thy felfe in filch and fisch tuffs, thou cantl not cow. 4 Cannot. impopite eft fedentem am- bulare.