i Of the Lords Prayer, Q144 TFor the third Petition. Thy will be done ; what fay you of that, why it Gods will fat next to his Kingdom: ? A. F becauiè the greater his Kingdome is the more hee ílands upon his will, we fee this in earthly Kings, Dan. 11,3. Secondly, becaufe the doing of Gods will, is the giving the glo- ry of his Kingdome unto him, 1-14.13,21. Thirdly, becauiè by doing of his will, we Chew that bee is our God and King, Pfal. 143,10. becaufe by doing of his will, we Phew that wee arel worfhrppers of him, Ioh.9.31. Fourthly, hereby we Phew that as God is a great God, to he is great with us, as Mofes was great with the Egyptians, betaute hee could borrow of them whatsoever he would, Exod. 11.3. Why did David greatly praife God, and give him whatfoever obedience he would ; be. caufe God was great with him;Pfal.t 45.3. Fiftly, becaufe by doing of Gods will we may enter into Gods kingdome,Math. 7.21. Laftly, this is to be men after Gods own heart, when we fulfill the Lords will, ACES 13.22. Q. 145 Rath God fueh a will in him.., as he cals a conditi- onall will ? as for Example, To will all mens falvation if they repent ? A. Properly there cannot be a conditionall will in God. Firfl,becaufe fuch a will fuppofeth a fuperiour that may hinder, AEfs 18,21. Secondly, it fuppofeth ignorance how things may fall out, as Abraham willed his fervant to fetch a wife for I- faac out of the land of his kindred, Gen.24.4. 2f the were wil- ling verfe 8. nevertheleffe improperly it may be given to God, not as though his will can have a condition, for that's the pro- perty of a created will, to have a condition of it, Iarn.a.1 ç. but becaufe the thing willed of God may have a conditi>n, /f 7 9. Now, that the Lord may be faidto have a conditionall will in fome fence is plaine. Fiat, becaufe bee is Paid to will the con- nexion of things, when he doth not will the things a ;under ; and therefore bee wils them onely upon the condition of a con- nexion. God would have all men to repent, and come to the knowledge of the truth, t Tim.2,4. Secondly, becaufe bee is faid to will the falvation of all believers, and true penitent per - foes