Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the. Lords Prayer. ions : and therefore ifa reprobate doe:believe, he willeth his fal- vation, z Kings r.38. This is true of God towards a repro- bate, If thou wilt obey nie J will bleffe thee,Deut.7, z 2,r 3. r 46. What fayyou of Gods f mpls and pofitive Will? 1. God willeth a thing Lithply two wayes. Firft,by purpo- f ng and decreeing, Rom.9, 5 s, either to be wrought by him- felfc, which is his working will, Eph.r,z r. and lo he willeth his Eleft to believe, and to be fàvcd, 4E1,3,48. or to be done by another,Aff.4,a8. and lb he willeth the hardening of the re- probate, Rom,9.17,r8. Secondly, by liking and approving, which is the will of his word, Pfal.4o,8. which telleth us what is acceptable unto God, Am. r z, 2. and thus he willeth every man to repent, 2 Pet.3,9. and all men to come to the know- ledge of the truth and to be h ived, t Tim. a,4. even thofè that finally will not, Math.z3,37. hither is referred that diflindkion of Gods will either fecret, or revealed, Deist ,29. Not as though God hath two wills, for it is an imperfetion to have two wills, as it is an imperfeflion to be of two minds, Jaars.4,8. it arguet h a change, AE1.23,6. but it is one and the fame will, whereof one part is fecret and unknawen, the ocher revealed, Heb.1 r,8. the revealed part and all, was once kept fecret and untevealed, 7{om. x6,25. and God revealeth it two wayes, Firft, in his word whereby Chrift revealeth the will of his father to his people, Math. 5 r;27. Secondly, in the event of things as for example, J doe not know whether it be Gods will that J (hall be perlecuted for the truth to morrow, yet it is fecret, but when J fee that it is fo come to paffe, the event cloth reveale it to be the Lords will, r Pet. ;, r7. Q.547 What fay you of Gods fecret IYill ? A. It is not for us to know it, Aft. r .7. nor aske after it, Judg.r 3.18. nor pry into it, to fearch it, lfa.q.o,a$. A man is very chary of his fecrets ; Suppofe one fhould know them, yet he taketh ill that he fhould reveale them, Prov.15,1 3. wouldeft thou know when it is Gods will then (halt dye or be ficke, nay flay till himfelfe is pleafeel to reveale it who made thee of his counlell, Rem,' 1,34. when Gods will ofcornmand is revealed, K it i