Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

74 1 O f the Loth Prayer, it is nothing but , unbeliefe to be inquiet* what his iffue and event thallb be, Math.6,zo. nay to be doubting about it, it is unbeliefe,Math.14,31. The prying into Gods fecret will about iffues and the fuffering of thy heart to be quellioning it, is the caufe of moff of thy fumes; the Lord had revealed his will un- to Jonas, that he fhould goc and preach to INiniveh, Ion.1,z, Now Jonas quellioningwhat Gods will was , the i(liae lhould be, may be they will put me to death, may be, the Lord will (pare them, and then J fhall.be counted a fallé Prophet, this made him fly away to Tarfhifh, Jen,4,2. nay, it is the caufe of moll errours of tome, when a part of Gals -truth is revealed, cnongh for faith and falvation, John.zo,31. but when people will be tampering beyond, no wonder if they erre, for Gods judgement is unfearchable,Rev.I i,33. J; 148, What ure doe you make of Gods fecret will? A. Fitt', in all our intention, we mull be careful' to infect this, If it be Gods will, jam.4.13,14,5 . either implicitely, aCar.'x.34. er exprelfely,. A£1-,r8,zr, for there may be a thoufand coun fels in our hearts, but none of all can lland,but that which is appointed. in heaven, Prov.19,zi.. Secondly, we mull never be over earnefl in our undertakings, leali Gods will comming forth to the contrary puts us to ditcontent and vex- iation, 1 King.z I,4.. Thirdly, we mull labour to be provided for whatfoever may break our purpofes of, John,I I,i I. if it be !Gods will our purpofes !hall never take effe&, he hath many wayes to doe it, Ifa.ç9.1o. he fuffering us to be rncontderate, Prov.15,22. by taking us away before we effeEl that we pur- 1 poled Pfal.146,4. what a pitiful! cafe had Jonathon been in ` if he had not been provided for all, may be he aimed. to be next David, when he came to the crown, z Sam.z3,17, buthefore he carne he was dead, 1 Sam.31,2, Fourthly, we muti beware that we run not againfl Gods revealed will, rather then fhffer our purpofes to be fi-uflrate ; the old Prophet of Bethel, when he had a purpofe to get the Prophet of Judah home to his houle, rather then he would be kindred of his purpofe, he told a wret- ched lye, I King.13,x8. The unjufi Steward having a purpofè to