Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. 75 to live and make himfelfè friends rather then he would be hind red of his purpofe, he would couzen his Lord, Lsk ,t6,4, Fiftly, we .muff be ready to fubmit to Gods will againfl it comes to b'e revealed, what it is, Ac- .z1,4, Sixtly, we mutt remember that even our owne hearts cannot will as we lift, but as God litl, Prov.zt,x, nor our tongues anfwer as we lit}, though we have what to anfwer, but as (sod lids, Pro- verb ,z 6,1. Q. x49. What pray we for in this Petition, thy will be done? A. Firíl, That we may renounce our owne will, Math. a6, 39. whether it be our carnali will, called the will of our fleth, e'ph.a, 3. which muff be abfolutely renounced, for it is contrary to the will of the fpirit, Ga1.5,1 7. or our natural will, where- by we will life and maintenance, and freedome, from torment, and this we muff renounce relpedlively, namely when Gods will !lands in competition, 3ohn.5,3o. Secondly, we pray that God would make us content with his will, whether it be difpe- fing of our allowance, Heb.x3,5. or correóling us for our tinnes,x Sam.3,18. Thirdly, we pray that God would enable us, to doe his commanding will, Pfa1443,1 o. Fourthly, we may doe it, as Gods Angels doe, Pfal.iog,ao. that is, firil, readily, without delay, Pfal.119,60. Secondly, willingly, Pfal.40,8. that it may be ournieate to doe it,Jeh.q,34 Third- ly, conflantly, t Chron.z8,7. Fourthly, faithfully, trot picking and choofing, but all the Lords will, I61.13,2z. Q. 15o. What jay you of the will of God.r word or command, is it the Lords will that wren {hall do it or elfe woe is lento them ? A. Yea, for that is his will by force of a law, R,om.s,t S. and the bufinefîe that he bids men to do, Luke. a,49. and what ever prophane wretches thinke, he will for a certaine require it, ¶Pfal.zo,t 3. and if men will not doe it, he himfelf will fee it done one way or other, ezekar,z8. Gods word mull needs be his peremptory will, firs, becaufe it is his pleafure, e'zra.la, 1 t . Secondly, becaufe he engages his glory upon it, and there- fore he wills it above heaven and earth, P fal.x 48, r 3. he will {boner let heaven and earth come ço naught, then any title of K a his