Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

7 `76 I Of the Lards Prayer. his word not be done, Math.5,18. his wifdome is engaged up- on it too, and therefore it is called his wildome, Fray.z,z. his holineffe is engaged upon it too, and therefore it is called the word of the holy one, ,fob 6,1o. and his power too, and there- fore none that negleA it, (ball elcape; except they be flronger then he, r Cor.1o,22, and his greatnefe too, his greatneffe rs Ramped upon every jot of his word, llof.8,t z. Thirdly, its a a 6gne how firongly the Lord willeth his word, by the great - nefre of the reward that he propounds to them that keep it, Pfal. 9.11. and by the greatnetfe of the plaguesthat he threatens to them that will break it, Dent, 28, 59. Fourthly, it appears by the Lords importunity,whereby he wooeth us to do it,Math,a;, 37. Fiftly,by the coil. he was attopurchafe his word, he deli- vered his own Son up unto death to procure us this will and teflament, Nei/0,16 , and therefore how (hall they cleape that are Hubborn againfl it and flight it,lleb.z, 2, 3. Q. 15s. what motives are there to perfwade us to doe the Lords will? A. Firtl, if we do the Lords will, the Lord will heare our prayers, lob 9,3 I. Secondly, if we do the Lords will we (hal abide for ever, t lob 2,17. Thirdly, the doing of Gods will puts a great Nobility upon us, Mara,; 3,35. Fourthly, hereby we Phew our felves to be the fervants of God,Ephef.6,6. Fiftly,to do the Lords will, is a ligne of one that (hall enter in heaven, A1ath.7,aa. Sixthly, by tò doing, wee pleafe God, Heb. I ;,1t. when we doe our ovine will and not Gods, we exalt our (elves above God, Dan.t 1,36. Wefäid in our ßaptifine, that we would doe the Lords will; and therefore if we will not, we are lying children, lfa.3o,9. Q. t 52. 7 he fourth Petition is ; Give us this day modally bread ; what is meant by Bread here? 1. Firft, Bread it felfe in particular, 2 King.4,4z. which ftrengthens mans heart, Pfal.1 04,15. Secondly, that, and alto any other food, Gee., ,19- any meales meat, z even flefh too, Gen./8.5,7. andrayment too, and whatfoever our naturall life needs, E'ccl.t 1,t. even all outward things,Gen.4o, 20.