Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer. 77 20. for not onely food, but rayment, and warmth and outward comforts doe feed us ; a man may, be flarved with cold : and therefore whatli ever helps to fatisfie the delire of nature, may be called Bread, Prev.zo,s 3. Fourthly, it lignifies Ipiritually Chrift too, Jehn 6, 51. and his Word, Ames 8,11. and his Grace, r Cor.5,8. and his Pronsife , Mark! 5,26. But this 1pirituall bread is not here meant ; wee pray for fpirituall bread in the other Petitions, here only for our daily fuflenance, Luke 11,3. Indeed it is good to raife up our meditations from hence; unto fupernatutalI meat, John 6,27. Fitti, becaufe man liveth not by bread onely, but by every word of God, Math.4,4. Secondly, becaufe a wife man looketh higher then the food of his carkafe, Prov,30,8. neither is the Sacramental! bread here meant ; for that wee pray for in the lift Petition, it being the feeling of the forgivenefle of our (lanes, Math.26,28. 15 3. What doth this teach w ; That our Saviour bids ue pray for Bread, and not for dainties and abundance? A. r0 teach us, that having food and rayment wherewith to be content, s Tim.6,8. Firfl, becaufe our life does not con - fiti in abundance,Luk.ç 12.15. Secondly, becaufe there is dan- ger in abundance, efpecially when we are eager to have it, Prov. 30.8. An eflate may be too great, as a fhooe may be too bge, or armour may be too great, and theta it hindereth one in the u- fing of it,/ Sam.t 7,39 Riches accidentally make it harder for one that goes to heaven; ZIdath.19,z4. Thirdly, if wee be not content with filch things as we have, be they never fo little, we will never be contented but covet more and more, Heb.13.5. Fourthly, we are Citizens of heaven and Ilrangers here below ; and therefore it doth not become us to be having and having, Heb.11.9,10. If we can fay, The Lord ie my portion, we have a goodly heritage, Pfa1.16,6. and therefore wee flnould pray only for the things that are neceff ry,Math.6,31. Now thofc things are neceffary that are neceflàry ; firf,unto nature, nature requires Ionic food and rayment, or elfe it will pine, Lam ,i.,4 Secondly, unto our vocation, as Bookes to a Scholler, infl'ru- merts to a Carpenter, meaner mèanes to people that are of a K 3 mean