Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Lords Prayer, mean calling, greater to Lords and to Kings, give me not po- verty faycs the King, becaufe his calling called for more meanes then fo, Prov.3o,8. Thlydly,.neceffary to our charge, whether it be a great charge or fmall,i Tim,5.8. Fourthly;that which is Japparently neceffary for time to come too, a Cor.t ÿ, t 4 when ofeph fore -faw a great famine bee layd up afore -hand, Gen. 41.48. Q. t S4, Why mug wee pray for temporall things, or for the creatures of God ? 1. Fir(+, becaufe rayment is good and food is good, and e- very creature of God is good, z Tim.4.4. Secondly, they are ufefull tomany duties, and to the duty of hofpitaliry, Ram, 1 z, 13. of owing nothing one to another, Rom.13,8. of honouring God,Prev.3,9. Thirdly, they are neccfííary with necefficy at need,Matb.6.3 2. and with the neceflity of convenience, Prov. 30,8. Fourthly, the want of them is great temptation tomany fumes, Prov.3 0, 9. and the very Lyons, Pfal.1 o4,a 5. and the Ravens teach us to call upon God for them, Pfal, r 47,9. For though we love them too well, r fob,a,r5. and are too apt to labour for them, Ioh.6,a7. and to pray carnali prayers for them, Hef.7,14. yet we had rather get them any way then by Prayers; as by cares,Lukgz1,34. by taking thought, Math.d, 25. by unlawfull and unrighteous courfes, Luke 16,9. Fief'+, becaufe as long as we tbinke we can helpe our felves, wee love not tó be beholding to another; and therefore the Apofale is fain to exhort us to pray to him, Phi1.4,6. Secondly, becaufe we cannot abide to Rand to Gods allowance, as we mufa if wee would get them by prayer, John 154. Thirdly, becaufe pray - er is too holy a courfe for our corrupt nature to come by them, z Tim,2,8. Fourthly, becaufe God indents with us to glorifie him, if bee give us any thing by prayer, P fal.5 ©,1 g. but wee fhould pray for them,Gen.28, 20. Firfl, becaufe that is the way to have it fanaifiedly, t Tim.4,5, and fecondly, without fal- ling into temptation about them, Math.26,41..And thirdly, moll honourably, for it is the honour of our maintenance, as it was of Chrifas if they come downe from heaven, Joh.6, 3 3. Q.155.