Of the Lords Prayer, 555. The text faith our Bread, it fpeaketh of a tytle wee( have to the Creatures ; what fay you of that? A. There is a two-fold title to the Creatures. Firfl, a fpiri- tuall title, whereby they are ours, if they be ours by being in Ctri(}, r Cor.3,aa. Secondly, a civili title, as by defcentofin- heritance, as .Naboths vineyard was his, r Icings 21,3. Or by purchafe, as the field ofEphron was Abrahams, Gen.z 3,i 6,I7. or by honeft labour and covenant, between man and man, as the party - coloured Sheep were Jacobs fheepe, Gen,3o,40. The wicked have not a filiali title unto them, becaufe hec whom they are without, is heyre of all things, Heb, r, a. They only have title to them which have faith to overcome; which the wicked have not, Rev.15,7. Title unto the creature is not founded upon Nature, Gen.r,a9. but ,upon the Image of God in righteoulneffe and true holineffe, which the wicked have not, ver. r 6. and yet, Firn, they have a gift of Providence, though they have forfeited Gods creatures, yet God does not prefently feize upon the forfeiture, but continueth the old gift in Adam, Afal. r r 5,6. Secondly,a co -gift as it were by reafon ofcohabita- tionwith the godly, Deut.3z,r4. Thirdly, a fufferance, rather then a guilt, to be as roddes for the righteous, fer.27,6. Fourth- ly, a conditienall guilt, upon condition that they will repent and believe in Chrifl, otherwife the creatures will turne to a c_ttrfe to them. Job 20,54. if they do date, they (inne becaufe they cannot ease with faith, Rom.54,2;. if they do not eate,they (inne too, becaufe then they fhould murder themfelves, which they muli not,. A11.16,34. As Simon Magus if he fhould pray he fhould (inne, by praying without the fpirit,. if he fhould not pray he fhould breake the commandement of prayer; and yet Peter bid him pray, Ali.Rz2. O. r 56, It forms then that the Anabapti/fs,eall conceipt is moll falfe, that all things are common, and that we cannot fay this is ours, and that is yours. Give us this day oar daily bread? A. Yea, for firfâ, the Law lays thou (halt not (leak, Exod. 20,1 5. Secondly. the Lord lays we muff worke, and carne and date our owne bread, 2 Theff;3,rz. Thdly, the Scripture fpeaks 79- 1